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OpenFOAM IO Failure

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Old   November 26, 2019, 17:09
Default OpenFOAM IO Failure
Andrew O. Winter
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Posts: 78
Rep Power: 11
aow is on a distinguished road
Hello CFD Online,

I've been trying to run some simulations using OpenFOAM-5.x with olaFlow (see and The OLAFLOW Thread) using the interDyMFlow solver to model a piston paddle wavemaker. In the past, I've not experienced any problems, but now I'm getting a strange issue.

My simulation appeared to still be running when I checked the job status using the Slurm command "squeue -u myUserName"; however, when I looked in the processor directories and checked the solver log file (log.olaDyMFlow), there weren't any new time step results being written to file. More specifically based on "last modified" time stamps, data was written to files for about an hour and then the simulation continued running for around 8 to 9 hours without any new data being written to files before I realized what was going on.

Has anyone seen this sort of thing before? I've not been able to find any posts in the forums about it yet. I'm not sure how helpful it will be, but I've attached the case files to this post, including the log files for each OpenFOAM command (I had to cut out a lot of the log.olaDyMFlow file due to attachment size restrictions for .zip files, but it didn't show anything interesting or out of place as far as I could tell) and from the Slurm job scheduler used in the TACC Stampede2 cluster, where I'm running my simulations.

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