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EHD + body force + vectorCodedSource

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Old   September 4, 2019, 04:39
Default EHD + body force + vectorCodedSource
Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: India
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Pavithra is on a distinguished road
Hello Everyone,

I am developing a solver for Electrohydrodynamics by modifying the PimpleFoam. I need to add a body force term to the momentum equation. I have calculated the body force (F) in a file called mySource.H.

The body force is the Coulomb force calculated by solving the potential equation and charge density equation.

I tried adding the body force to the momentum equation in UEqn.H as follows:

fvVectorMatrix UEqn
        fvm::ddt(U) + fvm::div(phi, U)
      + MRF.DDt(U)
      + turbulence->divDevReff(U)
    + F

I tried to validate the solver. The solver produces very accurate results that match with the literature when symmetry and periodic boundary conditions are applied on the lateral walls of the cavity. But when rigid walls are used the solver produces very strange results.

Any hints on the strange behavior while using rigid walls will be very helpful.

Also, I read in a thread that adding the source term to UEqn directly leads to poor numerical stability. Thus, I am trying to add the source using fvOptions. Could someone please give me a direction on how to use the vectorCodedSource fvOptions to add the body force.

My body force F is volVectorField.

Thank You.
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Old   May 11, 2021, 10:03
Default Encountered the same problem
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Haipeng Yang
Join Date: May 2021
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Hello, has your problem been solved? I added electrical strength to UEqn, and encountered a situation similar to yours when solving. If your problem is solved, can you tell me the solution?
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Old   May 17, 2021, 07:32
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Paulin FERRO
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Originally Posted by Pavithra View Post
Hello Everyone,

I am developing a solver for Electrohydrodynamics by modifying the PimpleFoam. I need to add a body force term to the momentum equation. I have calculated the body force (F) in a file called mySource.H.

The body force is the Coulomb force calculated by solving the potential equation and charge density equation.

I tried adding the body force to the momentum equation in UEqn.H as follows:

fvVectorMatrix UEqn
        fvm::ddt(U) + fvm::div(phi, U)
      + MRF.DDt(U)
      + turbulence->divDevReff(U)
    + F

I tried to validate the solver. The solver produces very accurate results that match with the literature when symmetry and periodic boundary conditions are applied on the lateral walls of the cavity. But when rigid walls are used the solver produces very strange results.

Any hints on the strange behavior while using rigid walls will be very helpful.

Also, I read in a thread that adding the source term to UEqn directly leads to poor numerical stability. Thus, I am trying to add the source using fvOptions. Could someone please give me a direction on how to use the vectorCodedSource fvOptions to add the body force.

My body force F is volVectorField.

Thank You.

Using fvOptions will also add the force in the source term of fvVectorMatrix UEqn.

Good luck
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