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GGI zone-to-zone interpolator giving very high values

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Old   May 30, 2019, 20:48
Default GGI zone-to-zone interpolator giving very high values
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Aashay Tinaikar
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Boston
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Hello fellow cfd enthusiasts,

I am trying to simulate a case using fsiFoam solver.

I have meshed solid and fluid domains separately and their interface patches do not have coincident faces.

When I run fsiFoam, I get the following values for GGI zone-zone interpolator.

Create extended GGI zone-to-zone interpolator
Checking fluid-to-solid face interpolator
Fluid-to-solid face interpolation error: 0.0979403
Checking solid-to-fluid point interpolator (GGI)
calcMasterPointAddressing() const
Extended GGI, master point distance, max: 0.000289047, avg: -2.32903e-06, min: -0.00018863
Solid-to-fluid point interpolation error (GGI): 0.000289047
Number of uncovered master faces: 1
Number of uncovered slave faces: 1945
calcSlavePointAddressing() const
Extended GGI, slave point distance, max: 1e+15, avg: 2.6205e+13, min: -5.84021e-05
Extended GGI, slave point orientation (<0), max: 0, min: -1, nIncorrectPoints: 0/73650
Setting traction on solid patch
Total force (fluid) = (0.894726 -0.42472 0.120349)
Total force (solid) = (-0.916874 0.474174 -0.0829815)
Evolving solid solver: unsTotalLagrangianSolid

As you can see, the slave point distances are astronomical. Lateron, it fails in the 1st iteration of solid solver. I am not sure what the problem is.

Time: 0.0001, outer iteration: 39
DICPCG: Solving for Dx, Initial residual = 0.999856, Final residual = 9.46614e-07, No Iterations 91
DICPCG: Solving for Dy, Initial residual = 0.99992, Final residual = 9.45982e-07, No Iterations 103
DICPCG: Solving for Dz, Initial residual = 0.999909, Final residual = 9.35856e-07, No Iterations 95
Relative residual = 0.999941
Time: 0.0001, outer iteration: 40
DICPCG: Solving for Dx, Initial residual = 0.999602, Final residual = 9.3934e-07, No Iterations 94
DICPCG: Solving for Dy, Initial residual = 0.999291, Final residual = 9.04762e-07, No Iterations 107
DICPCG: Solving for Dz, Initial residual = 0.999388, Final residual = 8.66827e-07, No Iterations 102
Relative residual = 0.999849
Time: 0.0001, outer iteration: 41
DICPCG: Solving for Dx, Initial residual = 0.999856, Final residual = 9.48911e-07, No Iterations 91
DICPCG: Solving for Dy, Initial residual = 0.99992, Final residual = 9.46488e-07, No Iterations 103
DICPCG: Solving for Dz, Initial residual = 0.999909, Final residual = 9.12255e-07, No Iterations 95
Relative residual = 0.999941
Time: 0.0001, outer iteration: 42
DICPCG: Solving for Dx, Initial residual = 0.999602, Final residual = 9.35071e-07, No Iterations 94
DICPCG: Solving for Dy, Initial residual = 0.999291, Final residual = 9.03658e-07, No Iterations 107
DICPCG: Solving for Dz, Initial residual = 0.999388, Final residual = 8.68866e-07, No Iterations 102
Relative residual = 0.999849
Time: 0.0001, outer iteration: 43
Floating point exception (core dumped)

My fluid mesh is good and I have some wrongly oriented faces in the solid mesh. (8 out of 10s) Could this be the cause of this issue? If yes, could anyone also guide me as to how I can reorient those faces?
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fsifoam, ggi

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