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BuoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam_Facing problem

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Old   April 3, 2019, 01:06
Default BuoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam_Facing problem
Mondal131211's Avatar
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Hi Foamers,

Here is a common problem that gave me huge pain. Though it is a simple problem, I need to figure it out about this problem. I am trying to simulate natural convection inside a square enclosure. The left wall of my problem is considered as Hot while the right wall is cold. The top and bottom walls are insulated. This is a simple 2D laminar case. I am using buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam (OpenFOAM 3.0.1) for solving this problem. Its an incompressible solver for the steady-state problem that deals with buoyancy driven flow.

The solution goes fine but it seems to me the flow does not change if I change any parameter related to thermophysical properties (Ra number, Gr number, etc) file. I did not notice any temperature gradient close to the wall. If there is no temperature gradient along the heated wall, how the flow will change. I can not understand what the problem is, what are the mistakes did I make every time. I have attached here one of my tried case files. I have studied the same incompressible problem solved by other software gave good result even in the OpenFOAM as well. But what is wrong with my solver, cannot understand.

I have some questions,
can anyone tell me what is the reference temperature inside the thermophysical properties? Is that same as internal field temperature?

What properties should carefully be handled when solving by buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?

I know this is a silly problem but snatched my couple of months. I just need to figure out what is the key factor in OpenFOAM Boussinesq approximation.

I will appreciate any suggestions regarding this problem. Please answer me in the OpenFOAM context as I know the physics of the problem.

Attached Files
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Old   April 10, 2019, 20:41
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Any help for this problem?
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