I have a simulation setup something like shown in the attached image. There is water inlet downwards from the top at the rate of 0.00207 set by U boundary condition flowRateInletVelocity. The pressure boundary condition at the inlet is filxedFluxPressure. The left, bottom, and right walls are set as outlets. Front and back are cyclic boundaries. The boundary conditions files for U and p_rgh for interFoam solver can be found attached. Additionally, there is a curved geometry at the mid of the domain and obstructs the downward flow and due to its curvature, the flow should move towards the outlet at the right side.
The flow comes from top to bottom under the influence of gravity. My consistent observation is that the flow gets directed towards the left outlet as it is close to the flow coming through the inlet. Is it because of the pressure difference between inlet and outlet? Ideally, it should come down on the geometry and then flow towards the right outlet. Why it is happening? What boundary conditions should I have to serve the purpose?