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Radiation heat transfer with P1 and chtMultiRegionFoam

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Old   February 14, 2019, 13:14
Default Radiation heat transfer with P1 and chtMultiRegionFoam
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Join Date: Aug 2018
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Hello everybody !

I am having trouble calculating radiation heat transfer with the P1 model, here is my case.

Numerical configuration
I am currently trying to model a problem of conjugate heat transfer between a hot air jet and an opaque solid plate on openFoam-4.1. This problem involves thermal conduction in the solid, convective heat transfer and radiation thus chtMultiRegionFoam seems to be a good choice.

The case is very similar to the following threads:
chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam: Thermal Conduction + Surface-To-Surface Radiation
Lack of knowledge simulating radiation in solids
The following threads gives information concerning the calculation of G and Qr: Difference between IDefault and G (radiation)

Fluid/solid thermal coupling
The coupling between the fluid and the solid regions is made using a compressible::turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixed boundary condition as follows.
  //location    "0/solid";
  //object      T;
          type            compressible::turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixed;
          Tnbr            T;
          kappaMethod     fluidThermo; 
          QrNbr           none;
          Qr              Qr;
          value           $internalField;
  //location    "0/fluid";
  //object      T;
          type            compressible::turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixed;
          Tnbr            T;
          kappaMethod     fluidThermo; 
          QrNbr           Qr; 
          Qr              none;
          value           $internalField;
Radiation model P1
For the radiative heat transfer, the fluid is considered a non-participating media and the solid is an opaque solid with a surface emissivity equal to 1.
  //location    "0/fluid";
  //object      G;
          type            MarshakRadiation;
          emissivityMode  solidRadiation;
          value           uniform 0;
  //location    "0/fluid";
  //object      Qr;
          type              MarshakRadiation;
          T                 T;
          value             uniform 0;
  //location    "0/solid";
  //object      G;
          type            MarshakRadiation;
          emissivityMode  solidRadiation;
          value           uniform 0;
  //location    "0/fluid";
  //object      Qr;
          type                mappedField;
          sampleRegion    fluid;
          sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
          samplePatch      solid_to_fluid;
          offset                  (0 0 0);
          field                     Qr;
          setAverage         no;
          average               0;
          value uniform    0;
  //location    "constant/fluid";
  //object      radiationProperties;
  radiation       on;
  radiationModel  P1;
  solverFreq 3;
  absorptionEmissionModel constantAbsorptionEmission;
      absorptivity    absorptivity    [ m^-1 ]       0;
      emissivity      emissivity      [ m^-1 ]       0;
      E               E               [ kg m^-1 s^-3 ]  0;
  scatterModel none;
  sootModel none;
  //location    "constant/solid";
  //object      radiationProperties;;
  Radiation               on;
  radiationModel          opaqueSolid; 
  solverFreq 3;
  absorptionEmissionModel constantAbsorptionEmission;
      absorptivity    absorptivity [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0; //opaqueSolid
      emissivity      emissivity [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
      E               E [ 1 -1 -3 0 0 0 0 ] 0;
  scatterModel none;
  sootModel none;
Question 1
With this particular setting, I expect the radiative flux Qr at the solid/fluid interface to be
Qr= Qin-Qem where
Qem = emissivity*Sigma*T
Qin=0 as absorptivity=0

However the result is different: for T=850 K --> Qr=58055.75
Qr should be emissivity*Sigma*T⁴= 29600
So there is a factor 2 between the theoretical radiativ heat flux and the Qr field. Is there a problem in the definition of the boundary condition and radiationProperties or have I misunderstood the definition of Qr?

Question 2
As the P1 model seems to be less accurate than fvDOM for exemple, is it possible this large difference between theoretical and numerical radiation flux is due to the model ?

Question 3
I have doubt about the setting of my "0/fluid/Qr" boundary condition with "mappedField". Is it necessary for the calculation of the radiative heat transfer and if yes, is it writen in a proper way ?

I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this problem.
Many thanks in advance.


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Old   February 17, 2019, 16:31
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Domenico Lahaye
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My humble suggestion would be to check the continuity of the heat flux first.

Cheers, Domenico.
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Old   December 17, 2019, 18:27
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Dániel Bakonyi
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Hello EliotSch,

I know it has been quite a while, but have you found asolution for your problem? I am currently facing what seems to be the exact same issue.


I am sorry, I accidentally posted to the wrong thread. Please disregard this post.

Last edited by Daniel Bakonyi; December 17, 2019 at 20:26.
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