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OpenFOAM-in-box not scaling up with number of nodes

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Old   February 13, 2019, 14:23
Default OpenFOAM-in-box not scaling up with number of nodes
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sumeet k
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 1
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abstractbug is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,

I have successfully installed OpenFOAM-in-box-dev-18.10v01 on CentOS 7.2.1511 (Core) computational cluster. On one of our other cluster with same hardware and software configuration, I am using OpenFOAM 4.x. I am observing linear scaling (reduction in computational time) with no. of nodes in OpenFOAM 4.x, however, I don't get any scaling in OpenFOAM-in-box , instead, there's a slight increase in time with no. of nodes. We have tested for no. of nodes from 1 to 10 with each node having 24 processors (not hyper-threaded). I suspect the issue is because of incorrect usage of open-mpi fabric (flags like --mca btl ^openib...) since OpenFOAM-4.x is using open-mpi 1.10.2 and OpenFOAM-in-box is using open-mpi 2.1.0.

We use pbs for submitting our jobs. Following is the script for OpenFOAM-in-box and OpenFOAM-4.x:


mpirun --oversubscribe --mca btl ^openib -np 108 --host $HOSTS $foamExec $EXECUTABLE -parallel

mpirun --oversubscribe --mca btl ^openib -np 108 --host $HOSTS  $foamExec $EXECUTABLE -parallel
Can you please suggest the appropriate openmpi fabric for getting the best speed-up .

Cheers !!!
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cluster computing, multi-node, openfoam-in-box, scale up

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