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laplacianFoam - Impose a Dirac delta source term

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Old   February 1, 2019, 09:14
Default laplacianFoam - Impose a Dirac delta source term
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I am solving the following one dimensional problem
-k\frac{d^2 \lambda(x)}{dx^2}=f(x)\delta(x-x_0)
with BC
-k\frac{d \lambda(L)}{dx}+H\lambda(L)=0
-k\frac{d \lambda(-L)}{dx}=0
This problem has analytical solution and I am using it as a benchmark before moving to more complicate things. However, I do not manage to get it right.

What did untill now (assuming x_0 = 0) is to use laplacianFoam with the source term defined in fvOptions as
    type            scalarSemiImplicitSource;
    active          true;
    selectionMode   points; // all, cellSet, cellZone, points
    volumeMode      specific; // absolute,specific
        (0 0 0)
        T        (1.0  0);
Where T=1.0 is the value of f(x) at x=0.

I have run it with the boundary conditions:
 dimensions [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ];

internalField uniform 350;

    type symmetry;
    type                groovyBC;
    variables           2("H=60.0;" "k=350.0;");
    valueExpression     "0.0"; ;
    gradientExpression  "0.0";
    fractionExpression  "1/(1+2*k/(H*mag(delta())))";
    type fixedGradient;
    gradient uniform 0;
and the transport properties

DT              DT [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0] 350;
What I get is a solution that is constant for x<0 and linearly decreasing for x>0 which is what I expect but the values of the solution are wrong compared to the analytical solution. Moreover, I tried to solve on a 100 cell and 400 cell uniform grid and I got very different results even if the volumeMode is set to specific.

I thank you for any help or hint you can provide me.
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