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simpleFoam, axissymmetric Mesh

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Old   August 3, 2018, 18:58
Post simpleFoam, axissymmetric Mesh
Gurpreet Singh
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 9
badwalgurpreet is on a distinguished road
Hi Dear OpenFOAM Users,

I am trying to run steady state, incompressible and laminar flow through the circular pipe using OpenFOAM 5.0 version with “simpleFoam” solver. I made an axis-symmetric mesh using Pointwise Meshing tool. The domain is of size ( Length of the pipe=5.0 m and radius of the pipe = 0.1 m ). I gave 150 mesh points in the axial and 10 mesh points in the radial direction. I have calculated the first cell height near the wall = (Radius/38).

Input parameters: Velocity at the inlet = 1.0 m/s
Density = 1.0 kg/m^3
Dynamics Viscosity = 2.0*10^-3 kg/ms

Based on these parameters, calculated Reynolds Number = 100

I run this case for 1000 iterations and the simpleFoam solver is not converging. I tried every other option in the OpenFOAM. When I look at the terminal screen, Pressure, Ux, Uy all three variables are converging except Uz. In z-direction, I defined " wedge " boundary condition like we define empty boundary condition for 2d problems and the solver should not iterate in that direction. I would like to ask the following questions...

(1): As I am solving the 2d axis symmetric problem for flow through a circular pipe and the 2d domain is made in the x-y plane, whereas the "wedge" boundary condition is defined in the z-direction. My question is why OpenFOAM is solving for Uz velocity component as I defined this direction as Wedge boundary condition for telling the solver that I am solving for a 2d axis symmetric problem like we define a 2d domain in the Cartesian coordinate system by defining the "empty" boundary condition and OpenFOAM always ignore this direction without solving it.

(2): I am new to Pointwise and never tried making axis symmetric mesh on this meshing tool. I just want to know that whether the mesh it self-correct or not?

(3) : I tried many ways to make the solver converge but residual of Uz component is not converging I mean not going below the specified residual control for U. That's why the solver is not converging.

I am attaching here Pointwise Mesh, terminal output, and the residual graphs.

I will be very thankful to you for your valuable suggestions on these questions.



Terminal output.tar.gz
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axissymmetric mesh, simplefoam

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