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interFoam: erroneous volume reaction in a porous media

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Old   July 18, 2018, 06:42
Default interFoam: erroneous volume reaction in a porous media
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Kahlil Fredrick Cui
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Hello guys!

I am currently doing CFD-DEM, with the CFD part solved in OpenFoam, particularly in interFoam. I have this problem that when my particles enter the liquid/water domain, the volume does not rise, seemingly oblivious to the presence of the particles despite the fact the particle and fluid velocities (and forces) react to each other. The equation to solve for the water phase is:
\frac{\partial }{\partial t}(\alpha_f \alpha_1) + \nabla\cdot (\alpha_f \alpha_1 \bf{u_f}) + \nabla\cdot(\alpha_f \alpha_i(1-\alpha_1)\bf{u_r})=0
separating the time derivative, it can also be written as:
\frac{\partial }{\partial t} \alpha_1 + \nabla\cdot (\alpha_f \alpha_1 \bf{u_f}) + \nabla\cdot(\alpha_f \alpha_i(1-\alpha_1)\bf{u_r})=-\alpha\nabla\cdot(\alpha_f \bf{u_f} )
where \alpha_f is the void fraction and \alpha_i is the fraction of the liquid. This equation was proposed in this paper: "Extended CFD-DEM for free-surface flow with multi-size granules".
My problem comes in the implementation of this equation in interFoam alphaEqn. So far I have tried using MULES:
    word alphaScheme("div(phi,alpha)");
    word alpharScheme("div(phirb,alpha)");

    surfaceScalarField phic(mag(phi/mesh.magSf()));
    phic = min(interface.cAlpha()*phic, max(phic));
    surfaceScalarField phir(phic*interface.nHatf());

    for (int aCorr=0; aCorr<nAlphaCorr; aCorr++)

	phiAlpha_ad = fvc::flux(phi,alpha1,alphaScheme);
	phiAlpha_comp = fvc::flux(-fvc::flux(-phir, alpha2, alpharScheme),alpha1,alpharScheme);
	phiAlpha = phiAlpha_ad + phiAlpha_comp;	

        spAlpha = alpha1*fvc::div(phi);

        //MULES::explicitSolve(alpha1, phi, phiAlpha, 1, 0);
		phi,                 //U*alpha_f
	ddtAlpha = fvc::ddt(alpha1);		
	velAlpha = fvc::reconstruct(phiAlpha);
	velAlpha_comp = fvc::reconstruct(phiAlpha_comp);

        alpha2 = 1.0 - alpha1;
        rhoPhi = phiAlpha*(rho1 - rho2) + phi*rho2;

    Info<< "Phase-1 volume fraction = "
        << alpha1.weightedAverage(mesh.Vsc()).value()
        << "  Min(alpha1) = " << min(alpha1).value()
        << "  Max(alpha1) = " << max(alpha1).value()
        << endl;
and direct implementation:
    word alphaScheme("div(phi,alpha)");
    word alpharScheme("div(phirb,alpha)");

    surfaceScalarField phic(mag(phi/mesh.magSf()));
    phic = min(interface.cAlpha()*phic, max(phic));
    surfaceScalarField phir(phic*interface.nHatf());

    for (int aCorr=0; aCorr<nAlphaCorr; aCorr++)

        fvScalarMatrix alpha1Eqn
           + fvm::div(phi, alpha1n, alphaScheme)
           + fvm::div(-fvc::flux(-phir, n - alpha1, alpharScheme), alpha1n, alpharScheme) 

     rhoPhi = alpha1Eqn.flux()*(rho1 - rho2) + phi*rho2;

    Info<< "Phase-1 volume fraction = "
        << alpha1n.weightedAverage(mesh.Vsc()).value()
        << "  Min(alpha1) = " << min(alpha1n).value()
        << "  Max(alpha1) = " << max(alpha1n).value()
	<< " porosity = " << n.weightedAverage(mesh.Vsc()).value()
        << endl;
where i took both alphas as one variable and solved them under alpha1n.
Both of them were implemented under PIMPLE and both of them did not seem to work. Could anyone give me a hint on how I could correctly implement this? I am relatively new to openFoam and this is my first time editing solvers. I'd be more than happy to provide more information if needed.

Thank you in advance!

P.S. I have read the Programmer's manual, user's manual, and the references shared by Santiago-Damian on VOF, as well as this thread:
Source term to VOF equation
but I think what I need now is a little hands-on guidance.
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Old   July 11, 2019, 08:30
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I am dealing with EXACTLY the same issue with my porous VoF method. I'm trying to solve the equation for alpha1 but the liquid is not displaced by the falling particles (although the interface reacts properly).

Have you managed to implement alphaEqn correctly, so that the volume of liquid rises accordingly?

I would really appreciate your help.

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Old   July 12, 2019, 05:46
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Kahlil Fredrick Cui
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Hello Dan!

Unfortunately not yet. I have abandoned this project for now in pursuit of a simpler system. My supervisor did say there was nothing wrong with the implementation but I cannot get the volume to rise.

If you have any luck with it please share how you did it!

By the way, have you read the paper of Jing et al. 2016 "extended CFD-DEM for free-surface flow with multi-size granules"? I was following their implementation but couldn't get it right.

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Old   July 12, 2019, 06:02
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Join Date: May 2019
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Hi Kahlil,

thank you for your quick reply.

Yes, I'm following the same paper and some others with similar ways of implementing the interface equation but haven't managed to get any realistic results in terms of volume displacement. I must say it's rather frustrating...

My supervisor also agrees that there shouldn't be anything wrong with the implementation (i.e. the differential equation). I'm able to maintain the liquid volume fraction without any significant mass loss and keep alpha1 between 0 and 1, but strangely enough there is no volume rise due to particle addition.

I will share my results if I find a way to get it right.

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