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Relation between energy(mass) and moisture (vapor mass fraction) source terms

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Old   May 20, 2018, 05:45
Default Relation between energy(mass) and moisture (vapor mass fraction) source terms
Senior Member
Mehdi Asghari
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Hello OpenFoam Users.

I gonna implement a vapor mass fraction or moisture production in an air + water condensing flow. The governing equations for this problem are as follows:

1- mass continuity
4-vapor mass fraction (relative humidity or vapor concentration)
5- phase fraction

With due to happening the condensation on the wall, there are heat and mass fraction sink(source) terms in this problem.

My question is that what is the relation between energy and vapor mass fraction sink (source) terms as the result of the vapor condensation (moisture production).?

I surfed a lot of internet papers but I didn't find an explicit relation for this case.

Can anyone help me to find this relation as an equation for the implementation in the CFD tools (specially OPENFOAM)?


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air+vapor flows, condensation, moisture, sink term

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