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size distribution models in OpenFOAM 4.x

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Old   March 28, 2018, 16:30
Default size distribution models in OpenFOAM 4.x
Min Zhang
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 81
Rep Power: 9
minzhang is on a distinguished road
In distributionModel.H, it says:


A library of runtime-selectable distribution models.

Returns a sampled value given the expectation (nu) and variance (sigma^2)

Current distribution models include:
- exponential
- fixedValue
- general
- multi-normal
- normal
- Rosin-Rammler
- uniform

The distributionModel is tabulated in equidistant nPoints, in an interval.
These values are integrated to obtain the cumulated distribution model,
which is then used to change the distribution from unifrom to
the actual distributionModel.

My goal: Set a volume uniform particle size distribution.

my Questions:

Q1. What is "general distribution", in this thread
Size Distribution Models - Spray Modelling
Chrisi1984 gave a general distribution example, I want to make sure whether the second column is the number fraction of the corresponding particle size in the first column.

Q2. The "uniform distribution" is a uniform DISTRIBUTION between minValue and maxVaue, yes? My point is it is not a single particle size, it is a distribution. If we choose to use the uniform distribution, we only need to give "minValue" and "maxValue".Then, my question is how many particle sizes (which is nPoints in the above copied distributionModel.H description, yes?) are used?

Q3. For my goal "a mass/volume uniform PSD (since the particles have the same density, volume fraction is the same as mass fraction)", which is the efficient option? Right now, I think the general distribution could be the solution.

Thanks and best regards,
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Old   March 30, 2018, 19:10
Min Zhang
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 81
Rep Power: 9
minzhang is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by minzhang View Post
In distributionModel.H, it says:


A library of runtime-selectable distribution models.

Returns a sampled value given the expectation (nu) and variance (sigma^2)

Current distribution models include:
- exponential
- fixedValue
- general
- multi-normal
- normal
- Rosin-Rammler
- uniform

The distributionModel is tabulated in equidistant nPoints, in an interval.
These values are integrated to obtain the cumulated distribution model,
which is then used to change the distribution from unifrom to
the actual distributionModel.

My goal: Set a volume uniform particle size distribution.

my Questions:

Q1. What is "general distribution", in this thread
Size Distribution Models - Spray Modelling
Chrisi1984 gave a general distribution example, I want to make sure whether the second column is the number fraction of the corresponding particle size in the first column.

Q2. The "uniform distribution" is a uniform DISTRIBUTION between minValue and maxVaue, yes? My point is it is not a single particle size, it is a distribution. If we choose to use the uniform distribution, we only need to give "minValue" and "maxValue".Then, my question is how many particle sizes (which is nPoints in the above copied distributionModel.H description, yes?) are used?

Q3. For my goal "a mass/volume uniform PSD (since the particles have the same density, volume fraction is the same as mass fraction)", which is the efficient option? Right now, I think the general distribution could be the solution.

Thanks and best regards,

My own answers:
Q1: The second column is the volume fraction/probability, not number fraction.

Q2: I have no answer currently.

Q3: "uniform" distributionModel would be the most efficient option. This is because it is uniform mass fraction.

Any comments would be very appreciated!
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