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Topology changes - problem when adding a layer for the second time

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Old   September 30, 2017, 09:26
Default Topology changes - problem when adding a layer for the second time
Michael Frank
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 55
Rep Power: 14
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I am using the interDyMFoam with the rigidBodyMotion. I have adjusted the solver to allow topology changes as I need to add and remove layers next to a boundary.

Deleting layers works very well. When I add a layer for the first time, the addition also works. However, the second time around, after the addition of the layer, the solver crashes either with a segmentation fault on the GAMG solver for the pressure or because the cells moved to fast resulting in negative cell volumes.

I can see that the actual addition of the layer works fine. The problem is the subsequent motion of the grid. So if once the layer is added I ignore the motion then the simulation continues fine (albeit without any moving parts). As soon as the motion solver attempts to solve this new mesh, I start getting large pressures, time step continuity errors of the order of e+84 etc.

I am assuming that the fact that it fails during the second time is just because by then I have much greater velocities. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this may be?
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