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Old   August 31, 2017, 05:22
Talking chtmultiregionsimpleFoam: FOAM FATAL IO ERROR kappaMethod - PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED
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Joćo Gil
Join Date: Aug 2017
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bussaco8 is on a distinguished road

Hello everyone!

I am doing a simple case to train conjugate heat transfer, using chtMultiregionSimpleFoam. I am using OpenFOAM-dev with GUI simFlow.

The case consists of a 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.25m steel block with a fluid region on top of it, entering with a certain speed.
The geometry of the steel block was created directly on simFlow and the fluid region was created directly by a mesh on simFlow.
I've seen a tutorial of simFlow in which they explain how to create a region interface between solid and fluid - therefore, I created the subregions and "joined" the top of the steel block and bottom of fluid region to create a region interface.

Properties: used constant density for both solid and fluid. The fluid is water.

Boundary Conditions:
all the faces of the block except the region interface are walls, with T ZeroGradient.
The region interface on the steel block is MappedWall with T Coupled Temperature.

As for the fluid, I used for the inlet Velocity Inlet - Fixed Flux Pressure, 5 m/s Surface Normal Fixed Value and Total Temperature of 325 K. I used for the outlet Pressure Outlet - Fixed Value of 100000 Pa for pressure, ZeroGradient for both U and T. The remaining faces except the region interface are as walls - fixed flux pressure, fixed value of U equal to 0 m/s and ZeroGradient for T.
The region interface is MappedWall with Fixed Flux Pressure, Fixed Value for U equal to 0 m/s and and Coupled Temperature for T.

I ran the case and immediately came the following error:

keyword kappaMethod is undefined in dictionary "/home/jgil95/simFlow/casos/test/test/0/fluid/T.boundaryField.int_fluid"

file: /home/jgil95/simFlow/casos/test/test/0/fluid/T.boundaryField.int_fluid from line 34 to line 41.

I looked to the dictionary, but I have no idea what kappaMethod is and why it's undefined in the region interface on the fluid side...

The dictionary is:

version 2.0;
format binary;
arch "LSB;label=32;scalar=64";
class volScalarField;
location "0/fluid";
object T;

dimensions [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];

internalField uniform 350.0;

type zeroGradient;
type zeroGradient;
type totalTemperature;
T0 uniform 350.0;
gamma 1.124;
type compressible::turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMix ed;
value uniform 350.0;
kappa fluidThermo;
neighbourFieldName T;
Tnbr T;
kappaName none;
thicknessLayers (1.0);
kappaLayers (1.0);

Why is the problem appearing? Is it the version of the OpenFOAM I am using? I got it from CFD Support website, they have a product called OpenFOAM in Box.
I tried to look in the forum for kappaMethod but found very little information. The user guide of OpenFOAM doesn't mention it as well...

Thank you for your attention!

Last edited by bussaco8; August 31, 2017 at 15:38. Reason: The issue has been solved.
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Old   August 31, 2017, 15:33
New Member
Joćo Gil
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 12
Rep Power: 9
bussaco8 is on a distinguished road
The problem has been solved - I reinstalled OpenFOAM again from source.

I think it was a mismatch problem (compatibility issues), as suggested by a member from CFD Support. Such problem has disabled the creation of that kappaMethod parameter in boundaryField.
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