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High flow and pressure in peripheral reagion of Hele-Shaw cell

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Old   May 19, 2017, 10:07
Question High flow and pressure in peripheral reagion of Hele-Shaw cell
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David Taylor
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Dear co-foamers,

I am using twoLiquidMixingFoam to simulate laminar, incompressible flow of two miscible liquids in a Hele-Shaw cell.
The cell is open on the edges (BC U: pressureinletOutletVelocity p: totalPressure) and has two connections close to the center with flow directions perpendicular to the orientation of the cell. The cell is filled with species A and species B is injected through on aperture and reaspirated at a higher flow rate through the second neighbouring aperture (BC U: fixedValue, p: fixedFluxPressure). Walls are walls (BC U: noSlip, p: fixedFluxPressure).

When simulating this, I nicely see the confinement of the injected species B and thigs in general look OK, but I get a max in flow and pressure in a region of my cell where actually nothing much happens and flow should be just radially directed inwards. Can anyone please give me a hint on what I might be doing wrong (the Mesh seems to be OK)? Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,



PS: one of the pioneering papers regarding this idea confining flows in such an arrangement, in case you are interested
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Old   May 26, 2017, 11:04
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David Taylor
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Edit: solved the issue by going into fvSolution and switching from nOuterCorrectors = 0 to nOuterCorrectors = 50 (and implementing an abort condition when the residuals become smaller than a defined threshold, so that not all 50 iterations have to be made each cycle). If I understand correctly, with the previous setting I was running my PIMPLE solver in PISO mode, now it's true PIMPLE. Simulations are still running, but stuff looks promising. Fingers crossed
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hele-shaw, twoliquidmixingfoam, unphysical peaks

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