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Does the Case Termination Control based on coefficient convergence work?

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Old   May 1, 2017, 05:27
Unhappy Does the Case Termination Control based on coefficient convergence work?
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Ronith Stanly
Join Date: Mar 2017
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I tried the new runTimeControl feature ( ) using the convergence of lift, drag and moment coefficients for the simpleFoam simulation of flow around an airfoil that I did. But even though I tried with different averaging window values (ranging from 1 to 1000 for a solution that calculated more than 1e05 timesteps) and tolerances (even 0.1), eventhough I could see that the coefficients did not oscillate more than 1% for more than the last 10% of the timesteps, the solution did not seem to stop there. I thought that the convergence criterion under SIMPLE based on the residuals of p, U and nut were causing the problem, so I tried commenting that and also tried reducing it, but in either case, the coefficient based control did not seem to stop the solution.

Has someone successfully used this feature to terminate their solution based on the convergence of coefficients?
Am I making some fundamental error in defining the feature?
What should I look out for while setting this control feature?

Any guidance for using this utility will be really helpful.

Thanks in advance,
Ronith Stanly.
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coefficient of lift, convergence criterion, run-time, solution control

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