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Whoa hey.... sum of reacting species is greater than 1?

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Old   December 16, 2016, 20:43
Default Whoa hey.... sum of reacting species is greater than 1?
Join Date: Dec 2015
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KarenRei is on a distinguished road
I've been trying to figure out why my reaction's been blowing up... and it looks like I just found something that's probably Very Bad(tm). I wrote a program to sum up all of the species in each block, and they're sometimes amounting to significantly more than 1. Shortly after I start, the highest block sum is 1.57. In my last timestep before the crash, the the highest is over 5 - some blocks with individual species over 4. I mean, just crazy-high.

Googling the problem I see one person advise (over a decade ago):

It is also usefull to identify why you are observing this unphysical behavior. It could be a usefull exercise to check whether there is any coding problem. the known problems that results in this kind of behavior are usually:

1) unbounded numerical schemes;

2) diffusion fluxes that can not lead to \sum Yk = 1 (for example, if you are using unity Lewis number).

3) implicit segragated solver.
I wouldn't know how to go about fixing these, unfortunately... I'm only a novice with OpenFoam. My fvSchemes is:

fluxScheme Kurganov;

default Euler;

default cellLimited Gauss linear 1; // Virðist vera meira stöðugt

default none;
div(phi,K) Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
div(phid,p) Gauss limitedLinear 1;
div(phi,k) Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
div(phi,epsilon) Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
div(tauMC) Gauss linear;
div(phi,U) Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
div(phi,Yi_h) Gauss upwind;
div(((rho*nuEff)*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;

default Gauss linear limited corrected 0.33;

default linear;
reconstruct(rho) vanLeer;
reconstruct(U) vanLeerV;
reconstruct(T) vanLeer;

default limited corrected 0.5;
and my fvSolution:

solver PBiCGStab;
preconditioner DILU;
tolerance 1e-14;
relTol 0.01;

relTol 0.0;

solver diagonal;
tolerance 1e-13;
relTol 0.0;

solver PBiCGStab;
preconditioner DILU;
tolerance 1e-13;
relTol 0.0;

relTol 0.0;


momentumPredictor no;
nOuterCorrectors 1;
nCorrectors 2;
nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
transonic yes;
My thermoType is:

type hePsiThermo;
mixture reactingMixture;
transport sutherland;
thermo janaf;
equationOfState perfectGas;
specie specie;
energy sensibleEnthalpy;
... and all of my reactions have transport As = 1.67212e-6, Ts = 170.672.

chemistry is EulerImplicit, cTauChem 1.0, equilibriumRateLimiter off.

Any clue what could be wrong or what I could try?
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Old   June 29, 2017, 12:28
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flyingmercury is on a distinguished road
Hi, I am just wondering if you have found out the reason and solved this issue eventually?

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Old   June 29, 2017, 14:47
Join Date: Dec 2015
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KarenRei is on a distinguished road
My experience has generally been that such problems, at least with reactingFoam, is that they're triggered by having one of your reactions improperly balanced. I think another cause can be if your species percents don't addup to 1. I may have encountered some other things that can generate this problem but I don't recall them.
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Old   September 28, 2024, 10:31
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ravicfdd is on a distinguished road
I know this is very late but maybe this will be useful to someone else who has the same problem. Often times when I get this error it is due to improper initialization in the 0 folder. If say you have initialized at the inlet that O2 is entering with a mass fraction of 0.232, then you should make sure the addition of all other species at the inlet + O2 at the inlet sum to 1. Ensure this for every patch and the internalField in your 0 folder. If this is not done, the solver will give nonphysical results.
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