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Buoyant Simple Foam analysis Error

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Old   September 5, 2016, 08:30
Default Buoyant Simple Foam analysis Error
Vignesh Rajendiran
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Chennai, India
Posts: 62
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I am doing a heat transfer analysis of a fluid (liquid nitrogen) flowing through a rectangular pipe. The top of the pipe is the hot region.

I am using BuoyantSimpleFoam (coz the fluid is compressible) for solving this problem. I got an error while running the problem and couldn't figure out the error. Please help me out here guys. I have attached the log file below.

Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

SIMPLE: convergence criteria
    field p_rgh     tolerance 0.001
    field U     tolerance 0.0001
    field h     tolerance 0.0001
    field "(k|epsilon|omega)"     tolerance 0.005

Reading thermophysical properties

Selecting thermodynamics package 
    type            heRhoThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       sutherland;
    thermo          hConst;
    equationOfState perfectGas;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleEnthalpy;

Reading field U

Reading/calculating face flux field phi

Creating turbulence model

Selecting RAS turbulence model kOmegaSST
Selecting patchDistMethod meshWave
    alphaK1         0.85;
    alphaK2         1;
    alphaOmega1     0.5;
    alphaOmega2     0.856;
    gamma1          0.555556;
    gamma2          0.44;
    beta1           0.075;
    beta2           0.0828;
    betaStar        0.09;
    a1              0.31;
    b1              1;
    c1              10;
    F3              false;

Reading g

Reading hRef
Calculating field g.h

Reading field p_rgh

No MRF models present

No finite volume options present

Radiation model not active: radiationProperties not found
Selecting radiationModel none

Starting time loop

Time = 1

DILUPBiCG:  Solving for h, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.00490899, No Iterations 2
GAMG:  Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 0.00988314, No Iterations 260
time step continuity errors : sum local = 6.76195, global = 0.325194, cumulative = 0.325194
rho max/min : 86.3493 34.2636
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for omega, Initial residual = 0.0514682, Final residual = 0.000121298, No Iterations 1
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for k, Initial residual = 0.999996, Final residual = 0.0034829, No Iterations 1
ExecutionTime = 44.81 s  ClockTime = 45 s

Time = 2

DILUPBiCG:  Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.990198, Final residual = 0.00251788, No Iterations 1
#0  Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
#1  Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
#2  ? in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
#3   Foam::heRhoThermo<Foam::rhoThermo,  Foam::pureMixture<Foam::sutherlandTransport<Foam::species::thermo<Foam::hConstThermo<Foam::perfectGas<Foam::specie>  >, Foam::sensibleEnthalpy> > > >::calculate() at ??:?
#4   Foam::heRhoThermo<Foam::rhoThermo,  Foam::pureMixture<Foam::sutherlandTransport<Foam::species::thermo<Foam::hConstThermo<Foam::perfectGas<Foam::specie>  >, Foam::sensibleEnthalpy> > > >::correct() at ??:?
#5  ? at ??:?
#6  __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
#7  ? at ??:?
Floating point exception (core dumped)
The error starts when the time = 2. Please point out the error if you guys figure it out.
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Old   September 13, 2016, 05:58
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danielbanos10's Avatar
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Your solution diverges, have you tried to initialize the flow with potentialFoam? I had some similar errors and it worked. If not, check your BC.
Hope this helps,
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