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Accuracy of LRR and SSG in turbulent channel flow

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Old   August 16, 2016, 15:25
Default Accuracy of LRR and SSG in turbulent channel flow
Darko Radenkovic
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 38
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I am simulating steady, incompressible flow in channel. Dimensions of channel are:
length 6 m, width 350 mm, and height 35 mm.

I did simulations with two RSMs - LRR and SSG. When I compare results of simulations with experimental and DNS data, I see that accuracy of simulations can be improved. Measuring section is at 5.8 m from the inlet.

Figures are on the following links (from some reason, I couldn't attach pictures on this page)

LRR comparison

Here is comparison for SSG simulation:
SSG comparison

I don't have exact DNS data for this case, but I used data for channel flow where Re number is around 40 000 so I believe it can be used for verification, when data are nondimensionalised.

Information about setup are here:




Any suggestion to improve accuracy of these simulations?

Best regards,
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Old   August 23, 2016, 14:03
Darko Radenkovic
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 38
Rep Power: 11
dradenkovic is on a distinguished road
Here are velocity profiles that I have as a result of a several simulations.

I have error around 5% in velocity profile. What can I do to reduce it? I did simulations on various meshes, but the result is the same.

I have trouble to verify RMS values (from above post). Maybe that difference in RMS values (which is causing me troubles) is due to difference in velocity profiles. That is why I need to correct velocity profile.

Here is complete case of steady, incompressible, turbulent channel flow, k - epsilon model.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Best regards,
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