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Simulating Rotor-Stator coupling steady state

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Old   May 28, 2016, 07:20
Default Simulating Rotor-Stator coupling steady state
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 98
Rep Power: 11
Jack001 is on a distinguished road
I am running OpenFoam 3.0.0 and what I have is a mesh that I have merged from two separate meshes, one for a single rotor passage and one for a stator passage. I wish to run some steady RANS on this case to start with and the problem I am having is dealing with the fact that the number of stator blades is not an integer multiple of the rotor blades. Example I have 6 rotor blades and 9 stator blades. Hence my rotor outlet boundary is not the same area as the stator inlet boundary. In the literature this is referred to as a pitch change, and the solver must deal with the fact that the mass flow rate will change across the interface by the same ratio as the change in pitch (in order to conserve the same total mass flow rate for the full 360 degree machine). How can I deal with this? I am attempting to use the cyclicAMI boundary condition but it seems this requires the boundaries to have equal area?

I am hoping this can be done in OpenFoam 3.0.0! I have looked at OF 3.2-ext but the examples there are very different from what I am used to. I would be happy to share my case if anyone thinks they could help/benefit from seeing it.

Thank you for your time.
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ami, boundary condition, rotor stator interface

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