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reactingFoam, Rocket Simulation, Messy Error

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Old   May 10, 2016, 23:02
Default reactingFoam, Rocket Simulation, Messy Error
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Join Date: Jul 2015
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David_C is on a distinguished road
Hello Foamers,

I have a bit of a problem... I am running a case for a rocket with air interacting with the flow. I am currently trying to use reactingFoam with the chemistry and combustion turned off... I thought I had set everything up correctly, ran the solver and came up with the following error... (Refer to attached picture - Sorry, it thinks the << and >> are links).

I understand that this error is often caused by division by 0 (?). However, all I have done is taken the reactingFoam tutorial, replaced the mesh with my mesh, and replaced the boundary fields in each of the chemical formula BC files, making the proper adjustments. If you have any suggestions for how to rectify the problem, it would be greatly appreciated!

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Old   December 5, 2016, 08:35
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 98
Rep Power: 11
KarenRei is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by David_C View Post
Hello Foamers,

I have a bit of a problem... I am running a case for a rocket with air interacting with the flow. I am currently trying to use reactingFoam with the chemistry and combustion turned off... I thought I had set everything up correctly, ran the solver and came up with the following error... (Refer to attached picture - Sorry, it thinks the << and >> are links).

I understand that this error is often caused by division by 0 (?). However, all I have done is taken the reactingFoam tutorial, replaced the mesh with my mesh, and replaced the boundary fields in each of the chemical formula BC files, making the proper adjustments. If you have any suggestions for how to rectify the problem, it would be greatly appreciated!

Have you done a quality check on your mesh? Because that sounds like the most obvious possibility to me.

Note that with OpenFOAM you shouldn't be afraid to have a debug version around and to actually check the code to see where you're crashing and why. You don't need to understand how everything works, but a general sense of "Oh, because of this change in energy here due to some factor, the temperature dropped down to below zero, which then died in a subsequent square root, so the issue is that there's too much of a change in energy due to that factor, too fast, and I need to fix it somehow..."
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error, reactingfoam, rocket

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