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Translational movement of geometry

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Old   May 3, 2016, 08:43
Default Translational movement of geometry
New Member
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 10
Storro is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody,

i am trying to create a simulation case, where there is a solid translating throug the air into an other fluid.
In the first step i'm trying to realize the movement of the solid.
The movement is similar to the movement in the movingCone tutorial. But in this tutorial the mesh is deforming. In my case the movement of the geometry is bigger, so the mesh is getting really bad, if i'm doing it the same way like in the movingCone Tutorial. For a rotating movement there is the possibility with the dynamic Mesh, but for translating i couldn't recieve a good mesh after the translation. So my question is: Is there an other possibility to realize a translation?
I was also thinking about translating the geometry befor meshing and make different simulations für each step of the moved geometry, but this will need a lot of computational power.

Because i'm planning to make a multiphase simulation i used the interDyMFoam for the translation.

I'm happy for any information you can give to me

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