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Segmentation Fault - Fuel Spray Simulation

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Old   April 6, 2016, 05:46
Unhappy Segmentation Fault - Fuel Spray Simulation
New Member
vignesh hegde
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Kaiserslautern, Germany
Posts: 2
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vignesh123 is on a distinguished road
Hello Foamers,
I am simulating coldflow mixture formation in an Engine with a multiple cone injector. I use a solver based on the dieselFOAM solver and everything works perfect.
Right now i am looking forward to track the mixture formation for each spraycone of my injector and hence i am shifting from a single specie for all my cone to 7 different species (all identical only with different names) I had further modified the solver to account for these changes, also edited the 0 Folder to make sure all species are available (Fuel1, Fuel2 ... Fuel n). Also accomodated the changes in constant/thermophysicalProperties to declare the species and also edited my constant/injectorProperties to make sure each injector sprays only one of the fuel species (Editing the mass fraction part - like in the dieselFOAM chalmers tutorial).
When i try to simulate, i get the following error,

Starting time loop

Courant Number mean: 0 max: 0

0.001    TimeStep:1

Time = 600.001
setting valve motion b.c.
Valve n. 1 velocity = -0
Valve 0 lift: 0.0004 velocity: -0
Valve n. 2 velocity = -0
Valve 1 lift: 0.0004 velocity: -0
Valve n. 3 velocity = -0
Valve 2 lift: 0.0004 velocity: -0
Valve n. 4 velocity = -0
Valve 3 lift: 0.0004 velocity: -0
valve motion boundary conditions set
setting the piston velocity
piston motion
[0] constraintSize pre = 0
[1] constraintSize pre = 0
[2] constraintSize pre = 0
[3] constraintSize pre = 0
[4] constraintSize pre = 0
[5] constraintSize pre = 0
[6] constraintSize pre = 0
[7] constraintSize pre = 0
[8] constraintSize pre = 0
[9] constraintSize pre = 0
[10] constraintSize pre = 0
[11] constraintSize pre = 0
GAMG:  Solving for cellMotionUx, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
GAMG:  Solving for cellMotionUy, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
GAMG:  Solving for cellMotionUz, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 6.26979e-08, No Iterations 1
Piston at -1e+300 m

Performing mesh quality control

    Point usage OK.
    Upper triangular ordering OK.
    Topological cell zip-up check OK.
    Face vertices OK.
  <<Number of duplicate (not baffle) faces found: 8. This might indicate a problem.
  <<Number of faces with non-consecutive shared points: 11. This might indicate a problem.
    Mesh topology OK.
    Boundary openness (-3.33614e-17 -2.60283e-18 -5.53694e-16) OK.
    Max cell openness = 6.33749e-16 OK.
    Max aspect ratio = 15.3141 OK.
    Minumum face area = 3.856e-13. Maximum face area = 1.70624e-06.  Face area magnitudes OK.
    Min volume = 3.8801e-14. Max volume = 2.0871e-09.  Total volume = 0.000362606.  Cell volumes OK.
    Mesh non-orthogonality Max: 54.99 average: 9.54807
    Non-orthogonality check OK.
    Face pyramids OK.
 ***Max skewness = 20.324, 12 highly skew faces detected which may impair the quality of the results
    Failed 1 mesh geometry checks.
    Failed 1 mesh checks.

evolving spray
[0] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[1] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[2] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[3] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[4] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[5] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[11] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[6] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[7] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[8] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[9] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
[10] tot particles = 0, particles not in cell = 0, particles not rescued = 0
Checking for droplet collisions
Moving particles
[0] Cloud::move
[0] nTransferTry = 1
[10] Cloud::move
[10] nTransferTry = 1
[2] Cloud::move
[2] nTransferTry = 1
[3] Cloud::move
[3] nTransferTry = 1
[4] Cloud::move
[4] nTransferTry = 1
[6] Cloud::move
[6] nTransferTry = 1
[8] Cloud::move
[8] nTransferTry = 1
[1] Cloud::move
[1] nTransferTry = 1
[5] Cloud::move
[5] nTransferTry = 1
[5] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[1] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[0] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
Computing dispersion
[8] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[10] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[2] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[3] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[11] Cloud::move
[11] nTransferTry = 1
[11] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[4] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[7] Cloud::move
[7] nTransferTry = 1
[7] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[6] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
[9] Cloud::move
[9] nTransferTry = 1
[9] Cloud::move END, transfer completed in 1, deleted particles = 0
Injecting new droplets
[7] #0  Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/platforms/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/lib/"
[7] #1  Foam::sigSegv::sigHandler(int) in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/platforms/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/lib/"
[7] #2  
[7]  at sigaction.c:0
[7] #3  Foam::liquidMixtureProperties::Y(Foam::Field<double> const&) const in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/platforms/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/lib/"
[7] #4  Foam::parcel::move(Foam::spray&) in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/lib/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/"
[7] #5  Foam::spray::inject() in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/lib/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/"
[7] #6  Foam::spray::evolve() in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/lib/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/"
[7] #7  
[7]  at /cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/applications/solvers/coldFlow/SprayConeSolver/SprayConeSolver.C:265
[7] #8  __libc_start_main in "/lib64/"
[7] #9  
[7]  in "/cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/applications/bin/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/SprayConeSolver"
[cpi05676:13675] *** Process received signal ***
[cpi05676:13675] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[cpi05676:13675] Signal code:  (-6)
[cpi05676:13675] Failing at address: 0x28960000356b
[cpi05676:13675] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x3c8b232920]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 1] /lib64/ [0x3c8b2328a5]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 2] /lib64/ [0x3c8b232920]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 3] /cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/platforms/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/lib/ [0x7fe53ade32d8]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 4] /cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/lib/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/ [0x7fe53ef20481]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 5] /cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/lib/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/ [0x7fe53ef5fba6]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 6] /cax/sw/OPENFOAM/LINUX_x86_64/moa1/OpenFOAM-2.0.5/LibICE-2.0.5/lib/linux64Gcc44DPOpt/ [0x7fe53ef58bd8]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 7] SprayConeSolver() [0x44827d]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 8] /lib64/ [0x3c8b21ecdd]
[cpi05676:13675] [ 9] SprayConeSolver() [0x42fa79]
[cpi05676:13675] *** End of error message ***
P.S : SprayConeSolver.C:265 ---> Points to a problem with dieselSpray.evolve();

I am having an idea, that a segmentation fault means i might have missed something somewhere. I come here asking for a few pointers from where i could start debugging this issue.

Any help is appreciated,


Last edited by vignesh123; April 6, 2016 at 10:07. Reason: Solved!
vignesh123 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   April 6, 2016, 10:07
New Member
vignesh hegde
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Kaiserslautern, Germany
Posts: 2
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vignesh123 is on a distinguished road
Sorry, missed a brace or two in the injectorProperties File, leaving it just in case it helps someone! P.s: Moderators are free to delete the thread if deemed so!
vignesh123 is offline   Reply With Quote


dieselfoam, openfoam 2.0.x

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