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Error- Failed to determine a vertex ring while using "dynamicTopoFvMesh"

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Old   March 6, 2016, 16:27
Default Error- Failed to determine a vertex ring while using "dynamicTopoFvMesh"
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I was trying to do case setup using "dynamicTopoFvMesh" and came across following error.Need help.
please see the attached test case.
i am using foam extend 3.1.

Failed to determine a vertex ring.
Failure mode: 1
Edge: 5162:: (1463 1469)
edgeFaces: 2(4523 5035)
Patch: outlet
Current vertexHull: 2{-1}

From function
void dynamicTopoFvMesh::buildVertexHull
const label eIndex,
labelList& vertexHull,
const label checkIndex

in file dynamicTopoFvMesh/dynamicTopoFvMesh.C at line 1357.

FOAM aborting

Aborted (core dumped)

I am new to this kind of mesh Motion examples and just trying to set up an case on trial and error basis. apologies if i have made any silly mistake.

Attached Files
File Type: gz testcase.tar.gz (72.6 KB, 6 views)
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Old   April 10, 2016, 18:54
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Bruno Santos
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Quick answers:
For the issue on this post, I suggest you take a step back and check the example cases they have for this... check here:

You sent me a PM with a few questions, which I'll quote here:
Originally Posted by rupesh_w
I am trying to use the dynamicTopoFvMesh utility to simulate a simple case of Moving object through cube. Its a simple case of cube containing small sphere inside it. As of now my case setup looks fine but when i run the "moveDynamicMesh" command it stops after few iterations saying negative cell volume observed. I have seen similar thread by you for "valvmov-topo_v2" case with the same error of Negative Volume.
So i am eager to know if you have found out the way to resolve the same as my case is quite similar to the one you worked on.

As suggested by Sandeep Menon in the reply of your post, i have tried various combination of no. of sweeps and other parameters in DynamicMeshDict file but sooner or later it fails with same error.

So please let me know
1. if you have found out the way to resolve the same.
2. Any suitable document to know more about the "dynamicTopoFvMesh"

I am using foam-extend3.1 and very new to the "dynamicTopoFvMesh" utility. Please feel free to contact me for any more information you need from my end.
As I mentioned in an answer I gave to one of your older posts a few minutes ago, by not providing all of the necessary information straight away, means that I don't know when it will be the next time I can take a look at your case.

Either way, negative volume usually is related to the re-mesh option needing to be turned on (I know the option is defined somewhere in "dynamicMeshDict"), because the mesh is probably already too stretched and is unable to stretch any more.
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Old   April 27, 2016, 04:55
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Dear Bruno,

Apologies for not sharing the complete information and Thanks for guiding me along.
As correctly predicted by you, the issue of Negative volume was related to the Mesh refinement option available in "dynamicMeshDict" file, and I have corrected the issue by adjusting suitable "refinementOptions".
At present the "moveDynamicMesh" command works fine but I am getting following error when I try to use "pimpleDymFoam" solver.
(Note- I am using foam-extend 3.1 version.)

 Mesh reOrdering 
 Mesh Info [n]:
 Points: 9031
 Edges: 59137
 Faces: 98230
 Cells: 48122
 Internal Edges: 53179
 Internal Faces: 94258
 nPatches: 7
 Mesh Info [n+1]:
 Points: 7481
 Edges: 48051
 Faces: 79160
 Cells: 38588
 Internal Edges: 42099
 Internal Faces: 75192
 nPatches: 7
Checking index ranges...Done.
Checking face-cell connectivity...Done.
Checking for unused points...Done.
Checking edge-face connectivity...Done.
Checking point-edge connectivity...Done.
Checking cell-point connectivity...Done.
ReOrdering points...Done.
ReOrdering cells...Done.
ReOrdering faces...Done.
ReOrdering edges...Done.
 Reordering time: 0.411953 s
void dynamicTopoFvMesh::mapFields(const mapPolyMesh&) const: Mapping fv fields.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Please find the case setup at -

To reproduce the error simply run - pimpleDymFoam

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Old   July 21, 2016, 06:54
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Anyone got any solution for the above error? Somehow I keep bumping into same error and have no idea how to resolve it.

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