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Problem with direction mixed BC and reflections

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Old   February 11, 2016, 03:29
Default Problem with direction mixed BC and reflections
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 87
Rep Power: 15
D.B is on a distinguished road
Hi All,
I am simulating a 2D-laminar flow over a flat plate case using icoFOAM. My domain is a constant velocity inlet. Initially there is a free-slip region at the base(zero gradient) followed by wall after some distance(to allow for flow adjustment).

a) I have tried zero Gradient and advective BC at outlet for velocity.

b) I intend to apply a zero vorticity BC at the top. I do this by giving a profile for V velocity as V = v(x) and specifying dU/dy = v'(x). I enforce this by giving a directionMixed BC with
value fraction = ( 0 0 0 1 0 0).

Note : I extract the vorticity data by using the utility vorticity.

a) Now, ideally I should get zero-vorticity at the top boundary at the top, instead I get a large vorticity at the top, the shape of which is same as -dU/dy that I give. ( See the vorticity and refGrad plot along top boundary as shown below)


b) I have huge reflections in vorticity from the top and exit boundaries (see fig) which are seen only in vorticity and not other basic variables like velocities and pressure. I have tried advective BC but to no avail. Even changing the domain size doesn't remove the reflections completely



1) My first doubt is if the directionMixed BC is applied correctly and if Gradients are being properly enforced since the vorticity is primarily of order of -dU/dy
2) How do I eliminate the reflections ???

3) Is there a way to extract various velocity gradients in OpenFOAM

I hope someone can help me solve my problem.
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directionmixed bc, gradient at boundary, gradient calculation, reflections

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