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Turbulent wall treatment in multiphase flow regimes

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Old   February 10, 2016, 05:19
Question Turbulent wall treatment in multiphase flow regimes
Sebastian W.
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Saxony, Germany
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nero235 is on a distinguished road
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Hello friends,

for quite some time now I am simulating several cases with multiphase flow regimes (3 phases) with openFOAM. I have found that the kEpsilon turbulence model is best for my setup and is easy to validate with a easy water-oil experiment.

We know that the dimensionless wall distance y+ is depending on the velocity, the actual wall distance and the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Some one can easily calculate this value when it is a single phase system. But what value is the right one, if there is not one but three different values for kinematic viscosities? Problematic was also that I had a block mesh, which meant that I had large blocks on a large diameter shrinking to a very small block on a small diameter. I couldn't control my y+ very well due to the mesh layout and geometry.

I have run many test cases with my multiphase system on different meshes, finer and more coarse at the walls. I tested every different numerical scheme there is: limited, corrected, forward and backward ... I tested every turbulence model: kEpsilon, kOmegaSST ... Every time I received the same error: very high bounding values for the turbulent parameters. Mostly it was epsilon or omega. The result was always a crash of the solver.

I fixed this problem "simply" by not using any wall function for k, epsilon, nut! This is the only way I can run my cases without a crash. My question is now if there is a good value to choose for the turbulent parameters directly on the wall. Right now I am using the "fixedValue" option. Maybe there is a better alternative, I don't know. I still receive a bounding warnings, however this time, the values stay in a normal range.

P.S. If you start your case without a "nut" file and you want to use a "fixedValue" for the turbulent parameters, then openFOAM automatically creates an "nut" with a wall function. OpenFOAM then overwrites the k and epsilon or omega files and uses wall functions for these too. Therefore create a "nut" file with also a "fixedValue" at the wall in order to keep the original files from being overwritten.

Regards, Sebastian
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Old   February 11, 2016, 08:11
Sebastian W.
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Well, changing the BC of k and epsilon from wall functions to fixedValues didn't fix my problem. The crash happens at different physical times, which is weird because this doesn't look like a setup problem. If the BCs or the solver parameters were wrong, the crash would happen always at exactly the same time step. I am using OF 2.3 with MPI version 1.4.3. The error messages change also. I am thinking it maybe a problem with MPI, rather than OF since I could not reproduce the error in serial mode.

Regards, Sebastian


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Old   February 15, 2016, 06:00
Sebastian W.
Join Date: Nov 2012
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So, mpirun wasn't the problem either. Neither was the OF version or any of my BCs or ICs. I've build a smaller case where I had explicit non-orthogonal and skewed cells at the walls. CheckMesh had no problems with the mesh though. The maximum non-orthogonality was 45 and the skewness 1.3. This is more than ok.

This case didn't even run under normal circumstances. The problem was always high bounding epsilon and k values which either caused the iterations to exceed 1000 or caused a FPE which resulted in a solver crash.

I run my cases always with non-orthogonal correction because I always skewed cells in my meshes. I couldn't even believe to run this case turbulent on this mesh with multiphaseInterFoam anymore. Since I tried almost everything without success. However I found the problem in this case. What happened was that the solver tried to correct the epsilon and k values since the correction was higher than 1. The correction is however not limited when using the corrected schemes in laplacianSchemes and snGradSchemes. Using:

    default        Gauss linear limited 0.333;

    default        limited 0.333;
helped by limiting the maximum correction. The 0.333 means that the maximum correction has to be < 0.5 x the orthogonal part of the value. In the contrary the corrected schemes use explicit non-orthogonal correction.

Hope this helps someone Regards,


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