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How does correctPhi.H work

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Old   January 29, 2016, 07:31
Default How does correctPhi.H work
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I am trying to understand how the correctPhi.H routine in the DyMFoam solvers works. In Jasak (1996) p236, it says that when the mesh is updated, the terms H(U) and a_p need to be interpolated for the new mesh, and then the pressure equation resolved to calculate new, conservative face fluxes.

This is not how the DyMFoam solvers (eg pimpleDyMFoam, rhoPimpleDyMFoam) work though. What they do is first calculate new via Uf & mesh.Sf(), or rhoUf & mesh.Sf(). I guess Uf/rhoUf somehow gets interpolated when the mesh is updated.

The correctPhi code comes in after this. I assume that phi=(Uf & Sf) is not conservative, and that the correctPhi code somehow fixes this. Can anyone shed some light on where this correction equation comes from?
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dynamic mesh, flux correction

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