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twoPhaseEulerFoam: Exceeding iterations, residual = NaN

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Old   January 2, 2016, 14:18
Default twoPhaseEulerFoam: Exceeding iterations, residual = NaN
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Join Date: Nov 2015
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Flyingcircus is on a distinguished road
Hi Everyone

I've run into some trouble initializing a twoPhaseEulerFoam case.

Short description: I'm trying to eject a free water jet into open air at high velocities in order to simulate air entrainment.

The following picture, taken from a stable interFoam Simulation might help in understanding what I'm trying to achieve.

The water (red) enters the domain in a tube, then flows from left to right and passes through a slightly narrower blind, after which is traverses the bigger model area filled with air (blue) and exits the domain at the BC.

Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, I just don't want there to be any misunderstandings

Front and back BCs (in Z direction) are named "Boundary", utmost right and bottom BC are named "Drain" uppermost BC is named "Ceiling", left BC of the area where the water jet comes into contact with air is called "InletWall" (but is not actually a wall here), the utmost left BC, where water enters the domain, is named "source", the "DN150" and "Blind" BCs are for the tube and blind geometry respectively.

However when trying to run the same case in twoPhaseEulerFoam I'm running into the "NaN" issue right at the beginning.
I've been trying to juggle around with different BCs and linear solvers but had no luck so far.
I'm attaching the output file so that you can see what I'm talking about.

Furthermore I'm attaching all BC files, all "properties" files and the solution and schemes files.

Currently I'm running the case in a hexa dominant mesh, created with SHM. I've recently been forced to switch to 2.3.0 and have been working with 2.4.0 before that, which is why all of the files still bear the 2.4.0 header.

If any more info is required please let me know.

edit: I'm a bit worried whether twoPhaseEulerFoam is even the correct approach here or if I should be using a different solver.

edit1: reuploaded the archive since there was an error in the BC files which I had already fixed.
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Last edited by Flyingcircus; January 3, 2016 at 11:39.
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