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Old   November 17, 2015, 06:44
Default combustionModel
Zhiyi Li
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Germany
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 11
comingdaytime is on a distinguished road
Dear OpenFOAMers,

I am quite new with combustion simulation. Right now I am running an example case with the solver of edcPimpleSMOKE or edcSimpleSMOKE.I found that in my constant folder, there are two files named combustionOptions and combustionProperties. And in both of these two files, there is a term named "combustionModel". Does anyone know what is the difference between the "combustionModel" in the combustionOption file and the "combustionModel" in the combustionProperties file?

By the way, in the "combustionModel" in combustionOption file, the model is EDC. In the "combustionModel" in combustionProperties file, the model is PaSR. What is the difference between EDC and PaSR models? After reading the literature, I found they have very similar descrition. There are fine structures and surrounding fluid in these two models at the same time.

Thank you

Best Regards

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edc model, opensmoke, pasr combustion chemistry

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