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twoPhaseEulerFoam: Arguments of max(alpha.air) have different dimensions

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Old   November 10, 2015, 10:24
Default twoPhaseEulerFoam: Arguments of max(alpha.air) have different dimensions
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Join Date: Nov 2015
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Flyingcircus is on a distinguished road
Edit: Please don't bother with this thread, I've finally found a way around the issue.

Hello everyone!

Upfront: I'm completely new to OpenFOAM, so please bear with me in case I've missed an obvious detail.. matter of fact I hope the solution to my problem is that simple.

In short: The project i'm working on is a free water jet, being ejected through specific types of blinds into open air, and my aim is to simulate water entrainment.
For that purpose one of the solvers I've chosen is twoPhaseEulerFoam.

Overview of the project:

My problem ist that I'm receiving an error message during initialisation of the simulation, I think the attached log file can illustrate that best.

Now I have absolutely no idea what this error message at the end refers to, these dimensions aren't present anywhere in the input files and I've been tinkering for days and am no closer to the solution of the problem.

I've also attached some additional input files that I thought might be relevant, but in case you need any others just let me know.
The input files stem directly from the twoPhaseEulerFoam/RAS/bubbleColumn tutorial case and I've adapted them to my case as best as I could.

Please excuse my inept naming of the boundaries, the "walls" are not actually defined as walls, the only walls in the model are the DN150 pipe and the blind, everything else is defined as a patch.

The drain is located at the bottom and the source is of course inside the pipe.
Also I've removed walls and ceiling in the picture above, so that only pipe, blind, and drain are visible (source obscured by pipe)

I didn't attach a checkMesh log, because it turned out okay and I didn't think it relevant, but should you require it I'll be happy to supply it.
The mesh type used is 2D-3D Netgen, but considering the kind of error I'm guessing that my problem isn't rooted in the type of mesh.

I really hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Since I'm totally new to openFOAM I'll be happy about any kind of helpful input, even if it doesn't directly relate to my problem.

Thanks in advance
Attached Files
File Type: zip (6.1 KB, 5 views)

Last edited by Flyingcircus; November 17, 2015 at 12:46. Reason: Issue resolved
Flyingcircus is offline   Reply With Quote


arguments of max, different dimensions, twophaseeulerfoam

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