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Stokes problem under body force

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Old   August 31, 2015, 04:50
Default Stokes problem under body force
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Dear OpenFoam users,

I m very struggling, my aim is to create a flow driven by velocity in the top, with inlet condition and the most important think, I need an open outlet boundary, so does not be periodic

To do that, I create a solver like simpleFoam adding gravity force (it could be Coriolis or something else) in the U equation and modify the solver following the definition of Hrvoje Jasak Phd thesis.

I master how this problem for gravity is managed in solver like buoyantXFoam or interFoam or SRFX solver for Coriolis but for the understanding of OpenFoam it could be great to have solution for that problem.

I post under the solver and the test case. The problem use for velocity an atmospheric inlet bc, slip condition in spanwise direction, no slip at the botom, fixedVelocity at the top and zeroGradient for outlet.
For pressure, it is zeroGradient condition everywhere.

To dowload the test case:

Because the projet is to create DNS for benchmark there are not any turbulence model (set laminar)

Thanks for future talks.
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Old   June 20, 2022, 09:18
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 43
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Mahmoud Abbaszadeh is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Garusen View Post
Dear OpenFoam users,

I m very struggling, my aim is to create a flow driven by velocity in the top, with inlet condition and the most important think, I need an open outlet boundary, so does not be periodic

To do that, I create a solver like simpleFoam adding gravity force (it could be Coriolis or something else) in the U equation and modify the solver following the definition of Hrvoje Jasak Phd thesis.

I master how this problem for gravity is managed in solver like buoyantXFoam or interFoam or SRFX solver for Coriolis but for the understanding of OpenFoam it could be great to have solution for that problem.

I post under the solver and the test case. The problem use for velocity an atmospheric inlet bc, slip condition in spanwise direction, no slip at the botom, fixedVelocity at the top and zeroGradient for outlet.
For pressure, it is zeroGradient condition everywhere.

To dowload the test case:

Because the projet is to create DNS for benchmark there are not any turbulence model (set laminar)

Thanks for future talks.


You cannot use the zeroGradient for pressure and U at the outlet. The system of equations would be underdetermined.

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