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Solver selection for a compressible flow problem

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Old   July 19, 2015, 06:12
Default Solver selection for a compressible flow problem
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 67
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houkensjtu is on a distinguished road
Hi there!
I am trying to get started with solving a compressible flow problem with OpenFOAM. (I have some experience using OpenFOAM's interFoam and having been customizing my own solver, but still I am totally not proficient in OpenFOAM programming)

First of all there is a similar simulation video on YOUTUBE so maybe it can help you to understand what I am going to do.

To describe my physical model:

1. The considered volume is changing in a sinusoidal way, V = Vmax sin(wt)
2. The pressure of the considered system is changing with the volume, and since the fluid inside is compressible, the equation of state should be considered to calculate the coupling density and pressure.
(the pressure ration inside the system is about 3~5, which is higher than "normal " supersonic compressible simulation)
3. In the future I want to introduce customized equation of state to take in account the effect of real gas.
4. No chemical reaction or combustion is considered.

There are various standard solver available in OpenFOAM, such as rhoCentralFoam, rhoPimpleFoam, rhoSimpleFoam and rhoCentralDyMFoam.

My question:
1. What's the difference between those solvers? Which is best for my application?
2. rhoCentralDyMFoam is able to handle dynamic mesh, so will it be possible to directly use this solver for my application without any customization?

Thank you!
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Old   July 31, 2015, 07:53
Default rhoPimpleDymFoam
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Fabian Roesler
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Germany
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fabian_roesler is on a distinguished road
I'd start with rhoPimpleDymFoam. This is the main compressible solver with dynamic mesh support.

Transient solver for laminar or turbulent flow of compressible fluids
for HVAC and similar applications.

Uses the flexible PIMPLE (PISO-SIMPLE) solution for time-resolved and
pseudo-transient simulations.
...Pimple... Solvers are transient solvers using the PIMPLE algorithem to account for pressure velocity coupling and non-linearity of the momentum equation (Merged PISO SIMPLE)
...Central... Solvers are transient solvers based on central-upwind schemes of Kurganov and Tadmor
...Simple... Solvers are steady state solvers using the SIMPLE algorithem to account for non-linearity of the momentum equation
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