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scalarTransportFoam in a 3D microchannel with 3 inlets

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Old   June 5, 2015, 07:38
Question scalarTransportFoam in a 3D microchannel with 3 inlets
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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Hi all,
I am a a relatively fresh OpenFoem user. Although I have been through the tutorials and been successfull at using ico- and simpleFoam to calculate the laminar flow in microchannels, I have problems to calculate molecule transport in these microchannels (using the scalarTransportFoam). I can run the calculation without errors, but the data ouput is not what I expected. I am using OpenFoam231 and Saolme7.5.1 for generating meshes, in Linux Ubuntu.

I first used simpleFoam to calculate the steady-state velocity profile for a 3D struture. Top 2D view:

/////////////////////////////////////// ____________________________________
--> Inlet1 v=10mm/s, T = 1e-6 -> |___________________________________|
--> Inlet2 v=1mm/s ------------> | ___________________________________|-->Outlet, p=0 (THE INTERNAL LINES DO NOT EXIST
--> Inlet3 v=10mm/s, T=1e-6 ---> |___________________________________| THEY ARE HERE JUST TO MAKE THE SCHEME NICE)

After I ran the simpleFoam, I used the converged solution as initial solution for the scalarTransportFoam by modifying the folders names and removing the "location" in the U and p calculated files. Then I copied the T file from the pitzDaily tutorial and readjust the diffusion constant, and the boundary conditions so that a T value of 1e-6 enters through inlets 1 and 3. Since the flow is laminar, I expect a gradual increase of concentration in the "extrusion" of inlet2, but the results even include negative values.

Sorry for the obscure description, but it would be really nice if anybody have any hint on this.

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scalartransportfoam, simplefoam, wrong data

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