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SettlingFoam and V0 initial condition

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Old   May 29, 2015, 04:25
Default SettlingFoam and V0 initial condition
New Member
Xavier Pivan
Join Date: May 2015
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I start from settlingFoam - dahl - tutorial and modify patterns step by step. My aim is to reproduce a gravity current.

My blockmesh consists in one rectangle of 500*20 m^2 with 1000*40 cells. I impose a time dependant condition for the Alpha inlet:

internalField uniform 0;

type uniformFixedValue;
uniformValue table
(0 0.002)
(2000 0)

The run is supposed to last up to 6400.

The courant number increases while the deltaT decreases. My run crash as reaching a time value of 1730. The quantity which exhibits anormal value is found to be Alpha.min as this value is negative and so makes no sense.

I think this could be due to the V0 initial condition in transport propieties (initiate at 0.005) and I could impose a - too - strong settling. But I want to impose this value...

Before to post here I tried many combination with the differents coefficient but as soon as I set up a V0 of 0.005 it crashes, it's just a matter of how long.

Do you have any suggestion ?

PS: I already play with MaxCo and try lower case such as 0.4 or 0.2.
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courant number increasing, gravity current, settlingfoam

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