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substitute for moving meshes

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Old   March 31, 2015, 09:31
Default substitute for moving meshes
Thangam Natarajan
Join Date: Dec 2010
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If one has to simulate oscillating plate/solid wall ( sinusoidal function of time) in a domain (a simple piston movement in 'y' direction), the obvious way would be scenario 1. For brevity, assume there is no topological changes involved.

Scenario 1:
To use dynamic mesh (the dynamicFvMesh class) and move the mesh points via the prescribed equation.

solver: pimpleDyMFoam, dynamicInkJet etc.(almost all the dynamic solvers)

Scenario 2:
The fluid near wall takes up a zero velocity (assuming no slip). Now, With this in mind, using an oscillatingFixedValue boundary condition in 'U' at the plate/solid wall (working out the velocity of the fluid for the plate's displacement amplitude) as the fluid should obey the no slip condition and produce the flow features similar to a moving mesh ?

Will the result of scenario 2 be different to scenario 1? Is scenario 2 the right way to represent a near wall fluid with no slip? what happens to 'k' and 'pressure' in scenario 2?

solver: pimpleFoam should suffice?

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Old   May 4, 2021, 18:01
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Join Date: Jul 2019
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Bodo1993 is on a distinguished road
Hi, I am wondering about a similar problem. The solver I use does not incorporate the dynamic meshing library. The case involves the removal of a solid wall (with thickness t) from the fluid 2D domain.
I would appreciate it if you can advise on the second scenario settings (fixing the solid wall and moving the fluid instead).

Thank you in advance.
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dynamic meshing, oscillating wall, oscillatingfixedvalue

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