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How to calculate airflow over an object? (keep getting errors)

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Old   November 22, 2014, 18:57
Default How to calculate airflow over an object? (keep getting errors)
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Join Date: Nov 2014
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kev717 is on a distinguished road
I'm not sure how to get OpenFOAM to calculate the flow over a simply-shaped object using the icoFoam solver.

I've tried defining a boundary in which I define the patches for the object (similar to the motorcycle tutorial), however when specifying my initial conditions, it will crash if I specify either an internal uniform field that is non-zero and will return all values of zero for pressure and velocity if I do otherwise (suggesting my generated mesh is considered internal). Additionally, it will crash if my velocity at the inlet and outlet faces is more than 1.

I've also tried defining only the mesh that is being analysed and using the internalField value in the 0/U file to define the velocity condition, but that also causes openFoam to crash after a few steps (complaining about a floating point exception).

I'm still quite new to openFoam so any guidance would be appreciated. Below is my blockMeshDict file with the defined vertices.

Once I define the rest of the mesh vertices, I intend to model airflow over a small cardboard aeroplane (so far I just have the wing)

    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    location    "constant/polyMesh";
    object      blockMeshDict;

convertToMeters 0.01;

//Box containing everything
    (200 -100 50)//vertex 0
        (200 -100 -200)
        (0 -100 -200)
        (0 -100 50)
        (200 100 50)
        (200 100 -200)
        (0 100 -200)
    (0 100 50)//vertex 7

//Mesh points for object of interest
//NB: Mesh points are defined by a reference drawing
    (0 0 0) //point 1; vertex 8
    (83 0 0) //point 2 ; vertex 9
    (83 1.7025 13.866) //point 3 ; 10
    (0 1.7025 13.866) //point 4 ; 11
    (0 -0.9748000000000001 14.11) //point 5 ; 12
    (83 -0.9748000000000001 14.11) //point 6 ; 13
    (83 -2 0) //point 7 ; 14
    (0 -2 0) //point 8 ; 15


    hex ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )
    (50 50 50)
    simpleGrading (1 1 1)

    hex ( 12 13 14 15 11 10 9 8 )
    (50 50 50)
    simpleGrading (1 1 1)

    type wall;
        ( 12 15 14 13 )
        ( 8 9 14 15 )
        ( 11 8 15 12 ) //SYMMETRY PLANE?
        ( 10 11 12 13 )
        ( 9 10 13 14 )
        ( 8 11 10 9 )

    type patch;
      (0 4 7 3)
    type patch;
      (1 2 6 5)

    type patch; //type wall; EDIT: just fixed this -- still not quite working right though.
      (4 5 6 7)
      (0 1 5 4)
      (0 3 2 1)
    type symmetryPlane;
      (2 3 7 6)
        (11 8 15 12)
Thank-you for any help you can offer
kev717 is offline   Reply With Quote


airflow simulation, icofoam, openfoam 2.3.0

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