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Setting up a case for a plane plate in a longitudinal flow

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Old   October 9, 2014, 15:17
Default Setting up a case for a plane plate in a longitudinal flow
New Member
Andreas G.
Join Date: Feb 2014
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Chronique is on a distinguished road
Dear FOAMers,

I´m a beginner in using OF2.1.1 and I`ve done only some simulations like
the motorbike tutorial with SimpleFoam and PimpleFoam solver for an steady state and transient case. So I know actually the basics.

My idea was to go a little step further and setting up a case, where for example there is a plane plate with some components (for example a computer curcuit board) in a air or water flow.

I would put the plate in the same way like in the motorbike tutorial, with the same dimensional setup, only with reduced distances to my boundaries.

My intention was not to set up a velocity at the inlet, but rather try it with an volumetric/mass flow rate.

I´ve searched the forums and found out, that there is a way to define the inlet/outlet like this:

type flowRateInletVelocity;
volumetricFlowRate constant 0.1; // m3/s
value uniform (0 0 0);

So my question for now is:

1) Which solver would be suitable to realize an simple incompressible water flow over the plate? Isn`t it basicly the same like the motorbike tutorial in SimpleFOAM, just changing the density and viscosity of air to water? Or I need an transient solver, bescause the volumetric flow q is defined for steady state: q = dv/dt = 0?

After selecting the correct solver I would try to implement the flow rate and try to run the simulation posting my results here.

After this big step (for me) I would try to implement the wallShearStress function, to have a closer look at the computer circuit plate.

I would be very grateful for some advice!
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flow, mass flow inlet, mass flow rate, volumetric, volumetric flow

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