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Boundary Condition for reacting species flow at outlet

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Old   September 25, 2014, 11:59
Default Boundary Condition for reacting species flow at outlet
Timm Severin
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Munich
Posts: 63
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Astrodan is on a distinguished road
Dear everyone,

I'm currently trying to run simulations with reacting species. Species are transported using a simple passive scalar transport equation, reaction terms are introduced as source terms into the equation (own solver based on icoFoam).

The thing I haven't figured out is how to declare the outlet boundary condition for the species e.g. in a pipe flow. Assuming my reaction is finished halfway the pipe, zeroGradient would work. But if the reaction still takes place at the outlet, I would need something like a reactionSpeedGradient BC, which sets the gradient based on the local reaction rate (which does exist as a volScalarField in the solver).

Is there something similar, or would I have to write my own BC? And if so, what base BC could you suggest me to use?

PhD Student at the Institute of Biochemical Engineering at TU München
Modelling of fluid dynamics in open photobioreactors.

OpenFOAM 2.3.x, 64bit, 8 Core Xeon Workstation
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