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Thermal and stress modelling of a dam

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Old   August 22, 2014, 12:08
Default Thermal and stress modelling of a dam
New Member
Joaquin Perez Valera
Join Date: Jul 2014
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quimperval is on a distinguished road
Hello. I'm developing the project of a RCC Dam, and we asked for a modelling that implies thermal and stress analysis at the same time. The consultants are using the MIDAS GTS for that.

What the model does?

1. They created the mesh for the body of the dam based on the estimated geometry, according to the USBR recommendations, and the calculated excavation's profile.
2. The geometry of the model (mesh domain) changes in time, according to the construction advance. For the i+1 time, the dam is bigger than in the time i.
3. The concrete curing is an exothermal reaction, and for the time i you have the dam body at ceartain temperature, and for the time i+1 the dam body is bigger, and the total heat in the body is different. The new layers of RCC interact with the previous layers, both generate heat but at different ratios, because the heat generation is a time function, that starts in the day of the layer's construction.
4. The young's modulus is also a time function, that we need take in account.
5. Is needed to take in account the mechanical propertios of soil beneath the dam's body to analyze the behavior of the boundary (stress and deformations).

It's possible to model something like that with Open Foam?

I know that is possible to model stress and heat flow, but I don't know about a changing geometry in time.

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