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Couple of quick Lagrangian questions

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Old   June 25, 2014, 17:02
Default Couple of quick Lagrangian questions
Clint Bedick
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 15
ecbmxer is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody,

Had a couple of quick questions that I bet someone can easily help me with. I'm working on a Lagrangian simulation based on reactingParcelFoam in OF 2.3. Both questions are related to the reactingCloud1Properties.

I have a working simulation, but need to try and refine some things.

1) I'm using a parcelBasisType of "mass". What does the "fixed" basis type mean? And it seems as if the particle injection is over-constrained when I specify massTotal, parcelsPerSecond, SOI, and duration. What of those values is actually used to compute how many particles are going in at a given time? Note: I do have a specified normalDistribution for particle size and constant particle density.

2) What are my options for specifying the flowRateProfile? I couldn't for the life of me find documentation for that. I know there are a few types for liquid sprays/injectors, etc. but is there something that I could use to specify that the initial particle velocity equals the fluid velocity at the inlet patch or even just a parabolic, etc profile?

Thanks so much for any help! OpenFOAM is an amazing tool and I hope to develop an experimentally validated particle impact/deposition model to contribute to the community in the near future.
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