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Interface treatment in turbulent model and its length scale.

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Old   February 15, 2014, 03:02
Question Interface treatment in turbulent model and its length scale.
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paka is on a distinguished road
Dear OpenFOAM community,

In OpenFOAM, in two-phase flow solver using VOF, it seems clear that VOF formulation takes care of the interface implemented into the turbulence model, but what about the turbulent length scale? Is the turbulent length scale affected by the phase1-to-phase2 ratio? How is the turbulence length scale handled in terms of the interface?

Are the boundary conditions the only place where the turbulent scales are defined? If yes, then how does the turbulence length scale account for the phase1-to-phase2 interface? How is the turbulence scale affected by the interface?

Thank you for your kind answers. Regards.
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interface, vof, vof modeling

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