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foamCalc: Fatal io error calculating divergence of velocity field

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Old   February 4, 2014, 11:20
Default foamCalc: Fatal io error calculating divergence of velocity field
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rendagar is on a distinguished road

I have an error I don't understand when I try and calculate the divergence of a velocity field. I'm using openFoam 2.2.2 and am using the planeWall2D case fond here:

I'm trying to calculate the divergence of the velocity field using foamCalc. The command I use is
> foamCalc div U -region bottomAir
When I add
div(U)   Gauss linear
div(U)   Gauss cubic
to ./planeWall2D/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes I'm able to calculate a new field. Haven't checked if it is correct but at least it looks reasonable (almost the entire field is close to 0). However when I try and use a different method like upwind or some of the others I get the following error.

Time = 50000
     Reading U
     Calculating divU
--> FOAM warning :
attempt to read beyond EOF

file: ....../planeWall2D/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes.divSchemes.div(U) at line 39
I'm guessing this would happen if the code is looking for additional input parameters. However as far as O know upwind does not require additional parameters that would cause this but perhaps I'm mistaking. Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting the error on some of the discretization schemes and not on other.


P.S. I copied the code an output by hand so there might be some typos in there. They are not the cause of the error I see, but caused by my poor typing skills.
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divergence, foamcalc

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