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heat transport question

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Old   January 17, 2014, 08:39
Smile heat transport question
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Join Date: May 2013
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I am doing a heat transfer simulation of air flow through a pipe where I model the fluid region and the solid thickness of the pipe. In the middle section the outer boundary of the solid pipe is fixed at a high temperature.

I am using chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam and I am fairly comfortable in using it. After convergence the velocity/pressure fields seem reasonable....however I am having a problem with the temperature field of the fluid region downstream of the heated section.
image of temperature field of fluid region

After a very short distance after the heated section the temperature field of the fluid is back to the inlet temperature.....i.e there is very little transport of heat with the flow.

Here is a plot of temperature along the center of the of pipe

As you can see...almost straight after the fluid passes through the heated section the temperature is back to what it was before it reached the heated section.....this doesn't seem right?

Mesh quality is good. Here are my b/c

Fluid region
Inlet velocity
Zero gradient outlet
0 velocity on wall

zero gradient inlet
zero gradient walls
reference pressure outlet

fixed inlet temperature (293K)
zero gradient outlet
fluid-solid interface compressible::turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMix ed

solid region
heated boundary section fixed temperature 375K
all other non shared boundaries zero gradient
solid-fluid interface compressible::turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMix ed

The flow has Re of 200 and so i'm not running this with turbulence.

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance
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advection, chtmultiregionsimplefoam, heat transfer

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