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pimpleDyMFoam constantly giving floating point exception and solution divergence

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Old   November 28, 2013, 01:53
Default pimpleDyMFoam constantly giving floating point exception and solution divergence
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 92
Rep Power: 13
fedvasu is on a distinguished road
I tried to study propeller case as carefully as I could and closely followed its structure an defaults for my case. I need to simulate flow in a closed room due to a rotating object like a fan.

I am using wall BC for all the faces of my 'box' and using cyclicAMI to rotate my fan, the AMI patch has radius twice as much as that of fan.

I keep getting floating point exception every time running pimpleDyMFoam, I am using k-e RAS model. I circumvent the floating point exception by unset FOAM_SIGFPE. my simulation blows well before 0.1 seconds

but how do I know what the main problem is? why is FOAM_SIGFPE significant?

are my boundary conditions OK? propellor case doesn't go floating point exception even though the initial conditions stay as they are for AMI patches.

please ask me more info, I will provide except for geometry. (I mean all dicts and 0 folder i can provide).
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pimpledymfoam, solver

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