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Is rhoCentralFoam Not Analyzing All My Points?

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Old   October 8, 2013, 20:57
Default Is rhoCentralFoam Not Analyzing All My Points?
New Member
Sean A
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 12
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Foamaholic is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I've had an issue for some time now, and while I've asked for help before, I haven't got a solution yet. So, I'm posting my question again, this time with a little more information:

I'm trying to use rhoCentralFoam to analyze cones in supersonic flow. I started by creating a blockmesh, then I used surfaceFeatureExtract to import my cones, and then snappyHexMesh to refine my mesh. When I view the mesh in paraView, everything looks fine (except for the tips of my cones, which are getting truncated at present--I'll fix that problem later). However, when I view the text files that contain my results, I see that the computational domain never changed from its initial conditions. The initial pressure, for instance, was 1 in the entire domain, and the final pressure is unchanged from that. It seems to me that the solver is completely ignoring my geometry and solving the problem as if no cones were present. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

Also, when I tried to view my pressure and velocity fields in paraView, I got this error:

size 28 is not equal to the given value of 110986

file: /home/sean/OpenFOAM/sean-2.2.0/run/SnappyHexPractice/15ddc/0.2/p from line 18 to line 71.

From function Field<Type>::Field(const word& keyword, const dictionary&, const label)
in file /home/sean/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.2.0/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/Field.C at line 236.

FOAM exiting

When I look at the text files containing my results, I see that there are 28 entries for pressure, velocity, etc., but when I view my mesh in paraView, I can see many, many verticies. This also makes me believe that rhoCentralFoam is ignoring the mesh geometry created by snappyHexMesh, and is simply solving my original blockMesh.

I've created all my dictionaries by copying and modifying the dictionaries of the motorBike tutorial, so I would think that they are more or less correct. But if it would help you help me, I can post those files for you to review.

Thank you all for your patience in reading this, and thank you for any help you might have for me.
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Old   October 9, 2013, 19:05
New Member
Sean A
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 12
Rep Power: 13
Foamaholic is on a distinguished road
I fixed the problem of openfoam not analysing all my points, but my final results are still unchanged from their initial values.

Edit: Fixed my problems.

Last edited by Foamaholic; October 10, 2013 at 13:19.
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