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MRFSimpleFoam with AMI -- Setup

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Old   August 21, 2013, 06:26
Default MRFSimpleFoam with AMI -- Setup
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kingmaker is on a distinguished road

I am trying to simulate a blower. It has an rotating impeller. I want to setup case for MRFSimple foam using AMI (version 2.1.1). I am trying to follow the propeller example given in the tutorials. But I find some point confusing ... I have following basic clarifications/questions :

1. The tutorial uses pimpleDynFoam. But I have to use MRFSimpleFoam so do I still need the following in dynamicMeshDict ...
HTML Code:
dynamicFvMesh   solidBodyMotionFvMesh;
motionSolverLibs ( "" );
or the setup is different .. ?

2. As far as I could understand AMI is just an interface which we specify where some Interpolation techniques are used to transfer U and p values from moving to non-moving parts .. Please correct me if I am wrong.

3. In my case the surface inside with I specify MRF region and the surface on which I should specify AMI are/should be the same ... ??

4. In the propeller tutorial there are two AMI surfaces AMI1 and AMI2 specified. Why do we need two ... ?

5. I should use a cellZoneSet for specifying MRF zone in "constant/MRFzones" and a cellSet of the same group of cells for specifying AMI in "constant/dynamicMeshDict" ... please correct me if I am wrong ..

I would really appreciate if some one can point me to a tutorial where AMI is used with MRFSimpleFoam (3D geometry using snappy) ..

Now my MRF and AMI surface is a closed cylinder around the impeller. Is it also possible that I have a not closed surface as AMI .. ?

Also How do we know that the simulation is running taking AMI into consideration ... ?

Thanks for help in Advance ... !!

Last edited by kingmaker; August 21, 2013 at 09:53.
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Old   September 16, 2013, 00:29
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neiht is on a distinguished road
I hav the same question but I think that the answer is we dont need any AMI for MRFSimple. No thing's differrent if we add an AMI method into case
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Old   September 16, 2013, 08:33
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Thomas Reviol
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Helo Klingmaker,

when using MRFSimpleFoam, you don't need the file dynamicMeshDict. You set the Frozen Rotor only with MRFZones (or since the latest OF-Version with fvOptions in the system Directory) in your constant Directory.

AMI is an Interface between meshes without congruent nodes. So you allways need interfaces when you are using a mesh assembled by two or more non-congruent Meshes. I don't know the exact mathematical Formulation. For this you can study this paper.

Even you are using MRFSimpleFoam which means, that youre mesh is not moving, you have to use Interfaces when the zone of your rotor is seperatly defined and the surfaces of this zone does not match the surfaces of the stationary zone.
I assume, the two Interfaces (Ami1, Ami2) of the propeller-tutorial are the adjacent surfaces of the two neighboured zones.

When you are using an assembled mesh, the different parts of the mesh have different names, eg. FLUID1, FLUID2... You can use these names in the MRFZones (respectivly dynamicMeshDict for rotating Meshes) or - the better way - you create new Name by creating new cellZones (watch the File ./boundary/cellZones) as you mentioned.

I hope I understood your question correctly and I could help you. I have an 3D-tutorial from a lecture. If you are interested in this tutorial, send me an PM.


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Old   September 21, 2013, 13:06
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baoaero is on a distinguished road
Dear thomas,
I have proplem with simulation flow over propeller using MRFSimplefoam. I dont know much about AMI. Would you mind sharing to me that tutorial lecture? Please help me. My email
Thank you very much.

Bao dang
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Old   August 16, 2016, 10:28
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Dear Klingmaker,

Could you send your tutorial regarding MRFSimpleFoam via my email ( I would appreciate your help.

Best regards,

Originally Posted by TReviol View Post
Helo Klingmaker,

when using MRFSimpleFoam, you don't need the file dynamicMeshDict. You set the Frozen Rotor only with MRFZones (or since the latest OF-Version with fvOptions in the system Directory) in your constant Directory.

AMI is an Interface between meshes without congruent nodes. So you allways need interfaces when you are using a mesh assembled by two or more non-congruent Meshes. I don't know the exact mathematical Formulation. For this you can study this paper.

Even you are using MRFSimpleFoam which means, that youre mesh is not moving, you have to use Interfaces when the zone of your rotor is seperatly defined and the surfaces of this zone does not match the surfaces of the stationary zone.
I assume, the two Interfaces (Ami1, Ami2) of the propeller-tutorial are the adjacent surfaces of the two neighboured zones.

When you are using an assembled mesh, the different parts of the mesh have different names, eg. FLUID1, FLUID2... You can use these names in the MRFZones (respectivly dynamicMeshDict for rotating Meshes) or - the better way - you create new Name by creating new cellZones (watch the File ./boundary/cellZones) as you mentioned.

I hope I understood your question correctly and I could help you. I have an 3D-tutorial from a lecture. If you are interested in this tutorial, send me an PM.


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