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solving a case on flow through duct

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Old   August 10, 2013, 17:30
Default solving a case on flow through duct
New Member
Hari Krishnan
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: chennai, Tamil nadu, india
Posts: 27
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I am trying to solving a case on flow through duct which has geometric size of 14 x 13 m rectangle with a transition of 6 x 5 m size and few obstructions in the flow path to reduce the flow.
Inlet has pressure 0 and the outlet pressure is 250 pa and it is suction pressure.
Modeled the geometry in mm and converted to m using transformPoints.
Trying using simpleFoam Solver to run the case
I have listed few of my basic queries here;
1. Does the no .of elements for the model has more than 15 lakhs would it be difficult in running the case.
2. Can we give the pressure for outlet as -250 while it’s a suction.
3. Do we need to give the inlet length and outlet length for the development length of 10times the diameter or width/thick to streamline the flow as laminar
4. Does relaxation factors and solver tolerances /rel tol should vary accordingly to the no of elements
I was tried to run the case with 4 processors but it makes my PC to hang where I was running through VMBox with 6 processors assigned in the settings.
My PC is Core i5 processor with 4GB RAM.
Please advise me.

Thank you,

V. Hari Krishnan
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simplefoam, suction

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