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Old   July 19, 2013, 11:15
Default SupersonicMicroNozzle
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Jason Pearl
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Burlington
Posts: 10
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Hi all,
I'm currently analyzing a Supersonic Micro Nozzle and found good BCs for the inlet: totalTemperature, totalPressure, and pressureInletVelocity; as well as a good BC for the outlet pressure field waveTransmissive. But i'm having trouble with the temperature and velocity outlet BCs.

My mesh includes a converging diverging nozzle with a rectangular region after the nozzle to analyze both the nozzle flow and parts of the plume immediately after the nozzle exit. The Outlet condition therefore has to deal with both the plume outflow as well as a small amount of inflow.

I obtained decent solutions with velocity outlet BC of InletOutlet and zeroGradient and T outlet BC of inletOutletTotalTemp and zeroGradient. However none of these truly capture the physics of the outlet.

I was thinking pressureDirectedInletOutletVelocity for my velocity field outlet but cant really find an appropriate T outlet condition. (it seems to me inletOutletTotalTemp is really only for purely internal flows and waveTransmissive would require me to specify a fixed value Temperature at the outlet)

are there any better U BCs I should be looking at and are there any good temperature BCs that I am overlooking for the application?

I'm using OpenFOAM v2.2.0
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boundary condition, microchannel, rhocentralfoam, supersonic nozzle

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