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Running in parallel

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Old   January 21, 2013, 08:27
Default Running in parallel
Senior Member
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Djub is on a distinguished road
hi dear foamers,

I am dealing with running a large case in parallel.
Previously, I was doing different steps in this order :
mpirun -n 14 pimpleFoam -parallel
(I don't mention the displacement of dictionaries and boundary conditions)
And it worked quite well. Nevertheless, I think it was not 100% correct, because for example paraView is not able to read the decomposed case. I have to reconstruct it before to plot it.

Note: I am using twice sHM because I want to snap the mesh over one object, but not over another one. Thus, I use two STL and two different sHMDict.

By the way, I want to use renumberMesh, and to use sHM in parallel mode. Thus, my new steps are:
mpirun -n 14 snappyHexMesh -parallel -overwrite
mpirun -n 14 snappyHexMesh -parallel -overwrite
mpirun -n 14 renumberMesh -parallel -overwrite
mpirun -n 14 pimpleFoam -parallel
First question: I found these steps in tutorials/incompressible/pisoFoam/les/motorBike/motorBike/. In this tutorial, they are deleting all the *level* files:
find . -type f -iname "*level*" -exec rm {} \;
Why ? Is this necessary ?

Second question: When I run paraView on the case, using "decomposed case", I can see the separations between the 14 different processors. Is it normal?
When I try reconstructPar -zeroTime, it crashes:
Size of maps does not correspond to size of mesh for processor 0
faceProcAddressing : 1023858 nFaces : 1028376
cellProcAddressing : 335957 nCell : 337705
boundaryProcAddressing : 10 nFaces : 11
When I try reconstructParMesh , it doesnot work on time 0, but need the -constant option. Then, reconstructPar -zeroTime works fine. And then, paraview works fine on the reconstructed case.
Can anyone explain me all this process ? Why working on constant or zerotime ?

Do you need anything more to help me?

Last edited by Djub; January 21, 2013 at 09:41. Reason: Stupid question has been erased (I solved it on my own)
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Old   January 23, 2013, 18:43
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Julien,

I don't have much time to go into details, so I'll be succinct:
  1. The command you showed on the first questions removes files that would just get in the way of decomposition and reconstruction.
  2. It's simpler if you take a look at the cases shared here:
I know there is a thread on this forum that discusses more on this topic, but I can't find it right now

Best regards,
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Old   January 24, 2013, 06:07
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Thanks Bruno,
I think I've catched some more about how it works. In the BlueCFD tuto, you reconstruct the Mesh (only the mesh), and then decompose again. It forces the basic case to correspond with the decomposed case. Nice!
So I suppose I can copy my boundary condition just before to run the ultimate decomposition? Only once, instead of each processor?
cp -r* 0/
before final decomposition, instead of
ls -d processor* | xargs -i cp -r* ./{}/0/
after final decomposition.

Thanks for this tuto!
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Old   January 24, 2013, 17:01
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Bruno Santos
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Hi Julien,

Originally Posted by Djub View Post
So I suppose I can copy my boundary condition just before to run the ultimate decomposition? Only once, instead of each processor?
cp -r* 0/
before final decomposition, instead of
ls -d processor* | xargs -i cp -r* ./{}/0/
after final decomposition.
Just in case those two weren't rhetorical questions, the answers are:
  1. Yes...
  2. And yes.
But like I said, I know there is a thread somewhere that goes into more detail... mmm, in fact there are two:
Best regards,
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