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Error with sonicFOAM simulation of wing - db/regIOobject/regIOobjectRead.C

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Old   January 5, 2013, 14:22
Default Error with sonicFoam simulation - 'keyword ffminx is undefined'
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Jaggy_Snake is on a distinguished road
[EDIT] I accidentally mis-titled this thread... Is it possible for a mod to change the title to "Error with sonicFoam simulation - 'keyword ffminx is undefined' " ?

Hi guys, and a happy new year.

I'm trying to model the flow over an aircraft wing with sonicFlow.

I've generated a tentative mesh of my wing (I'll need to refine it further) and I'm now trying to set up my initial conditions by copying the required files from the sonicFoam/ras/nacaAirfoil tutorial.

When I run sonicFoam I'm getting the following error:
Create mesh for time = 3

Reading thermophysical properties

Selecting thermodynamics package ePsiThermo<pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<eConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>>

keyword ffminx is undefined in dictionary "/home/fergus/OpenFOAM/fergus-2.1.1/run/Again/3/p::boundaryField"

file: /home/fergus/OpenFOAM/fergus-2.1.1/run/Again/3/p::boundaryField from line 25 to line 48

   From function dictionary::subDict(const word& keyword) const 
   in file db/dictionary/dictionary.C at line 461.

FOAM exiting
I don't know where/what the 'keyword ffminx' is, and I don't know where to find the file db/dictionary/dictionary.C

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Last edited by Jaggy_Snake; January 6, 2013 at 08:26.
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Old   January 7, 2013, 14:09
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OK, I've noticed that 'ffminx' is the name given to one of the patches generated by HelyxOS.

Possibly the way I'm meshing is causing me problems...

I initially meshed with HelyxOS but my wing's trailing edge was badly meshed due to the sharp edge. So I applied the SurfaceFeatureExtract tool by executing:

surfaceFeatureExtrace -includedAngle 150 -writeObj constant/triSurface/sevensixsevenwing.stl sevensixsevenwing
Then edited the snappyHexMeshDict generated by Helyx by adding the following lines:

{file "sevensixsevenwing.eMesh";
  level 0;
I then deleted the contents of the previous polyMesh folder and re-run snappyHexMesh. This resolves the mesh around the wing trailing edge.

However when I execute sonicFoam, I get the error posted in the original post. Possibly this is bad practise which is causing the described error?

Thanks again, and sorry for the double post.
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Old   February 21, 2013, 03:21
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Nick Dale
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RocketMan1691 is on a distinguished road
ffminx is one of the patches HELYX generates (the plane corresponding to minimum x). The error relates to the 0/P file which does not have a definition for ffminx. It sounds like switching approaches half way through has left some loose ends.

I would start by checking the boundary conditions in the U and P files have entries corresponding to the blockMesh and snappyHexMesh dictionaries.

A note on sequence too. I have always got very confused if I mess with the sequence because old files get left behind. So once you are happy with the boundary conditions, I would copy the dictionaries to a new case and then run the mesh generation process from scratch.

Hope this helps
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